Tag Archive | "film"

What Are Some Good Movies Similar To Howl’s Moving Castle?

I’d like to watch an anime movie with some romance! 😀 haha i LOVED Howl and Sophie and would love a similar happy ending love story 🙂 I’ve seen every miyazaki film affiliated with studio ghibli, but most of his works are for a younger audience. I’ve also seen Whispers of the Heart (?) and the girl who leapt through time, which I enjoyed alright, not as much as HMC but that can’t be helped xD So, got any good suggestions? I don’t mind if they’re for a bit more of a mature audience, but please nothing TOO graphic xD I’m not asking for porn here. haha thanks in advance!

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I Am A Thirteen Years Old Boy, And I Need Help Fast, Including; I Want To Be A Actor, But I Live In Norway….?

Hey, guys.
I am a boy of 13 years who want to become an actor when I grow up, because I love acting and film, etc. I know that there’s really difficult to become a famous actor in America, I am aware of. But I would like to try, because I love acting and theater, that’s what I live for. I go on so something in my spare time called “Children Theatre”, it’s really fun!
But I would like to be an actor in America, not in Norway, because Norway is so small compared to America.
I want to end up as a young actor, not an actor when I’m 20 years old, when I move to America when I grow up. What annoys me most is that I was born in such a boring country. Could wish that I was born in America, because then I could the language better + that I may go through affiliate agencies and casting agencies, but that is not in Norway. (Boring countries, Norway)
I live for acting and theater.
I would like to have lived and been raised in America, because then I could got me an agent, which could have helped me get the a job, etc.
Do you have any clues and recommendations to me what I should do?
Do not end up as an actor in America when I’m good adult.
(I do apologize for my bad English. I’m not able to speak “straight” English, yet)
Thanks for any answers!
God bless you!

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What Are Good Websites To Post Casting Calls (student Films)?

I’m trying to cast a student film and I need to cast actors through a casting notice online.
I was wondering if anyone knew of good websites to do that sort of thing. I am not affiliated with a union and it will be an independent project.
Please let me know. Thank you.

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Help: Making Movie Database Site And Legalities.?

I’m thinking about creating a movie database site similar to IMDb. However, I need to know if I need to gain permissions from movie studios to use the movie synopsis/description, cover/poster image, etc. of the movies on the site? Or, would that be covered by the fair use law? Will I need to right my own movie descriptions of each film?
Also, I would like to be able to make money for promoting the movies at some point (if I can right off the cuff, then great). You know, by signing up with Amazon and Netflix affiliate programs. So, what’s the best way to do all of this without getting sued (since everything in the world seems to be copyrighted material)?

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How Do Convert Files With Free Software?

i have various DVD’s in IFO, BUP, and VOB file format. think of a film and the film is made up of these formats. now i want to convert the film from these formats into 1 AVI file how do i do that? the software you tell me about has to be totally free to use, no trial versions or me have to buy some expensive piece of software … im broke.
the reason i need this information is once i can convert the files (without losing sound or picture quality) i can then sell copies of the DVD’s (there in the health and fitness niche).
all help will be most appreciated

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What’s The Name Of This Movie?

I’ve seen it awhile back but can’t figure out what the name is. It’s very good film.
It’s about a young Jewish women(early 20s, short black curly hair)who is living around the 40s in Germany during the Holocaust. She gets off a bus and goes to a fish market and says some kind of secret code to the fish seller guy and he gives her a fish with a code in the fish.
Please tell me if you know I’m dying to see it again.

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