Tag Archive | "element"

Is A Career As A Finite Element Engineer Good For Me?

I’m a novice at ANSYS and ABAQUS, but I really enjoy working with computational software such as SolidWorks and ProE. I’m an introvert and hate working in groups and presentations. Im quiet, modest, humble, hard working, anxious, and rely on my perseverance to get things done. I have a mechanical engineering bachelors degree and am EIT certified. Ive not been happy at my last jobs (medical devices), and I wish I was more “free” from the burdens of red-tape, meetings, presentations, and consulting. FEA to me almost sounds like a skilled trade, a niche I can own and deliver, but I don’t know where to begin. Get a masters on FEA? Teach myself via books and software? I dont want to go into FEA if someone with an associates could have taken it. I like the potential that FEA has in that I can work from home almost like a contracting service. I also like how most FEA softwares can be integrated with various CAD software.
Can anyone give me a starting point? A salary range? Any plans and suggestions or recommendations about this career path? Im already 25 and I dont want to grow too old before I make a career change!

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Approximately 65 Million Years Ago…?

Approximately 65 million years ago, a mass extinction occurred on planet Earth. Layers of soil dating back to this time contain large amounts of the radioactive element iridium. This indicates that a large asteroid or comet struck Earth, throwing up huge clouds of debris, which would block much of the sunlight. Food became very scarce. Half of the marine species and nearly all of the dinosaur species went extinct during this time. Soon after the cloud settled, the surviving species of mammals rapidly diversified and filled the niches left empty by the dinosaurs. What evolutionary event was represented by this asteroid collision and the resulting cloud?
a. mutation
b. gene flow
c. genetic drift
d. natural selection

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From Ucsc To Barnard.. Can’t Find My Niche!?

Hey everyone–I was hoping to get a little advice from anyone who knew anything about Barnard College/UCSC/College in general.
It’s my freshman year at UCSC in Stevenson College, and I can’t say that I hate it, but I definitely don’t feel in my element here. I find the the laid-back, “chill” atmosphere extremely frustrating. Everyone is totally accepting, and that’s great, but I can’t say it’s the most engaging environment. People know almost nothing about current events, and care little about anything else except smoking a bowl and “chilling”.
I may sound bitter, but that has been my experience so far. There’ have been some wonderful exceptions, but so far that’s the majority of it.
I was thinking of transferring to Barnard, but I’ve heard mixed reviews. Some say it’s too well-to-do, snooty, overly-competitive, etc. Then some say it’s very diverse, that the learning environment is great, and everyone is fairly relaxed with one another.
I want a small college–small class sizes, engaged, rigorous, and diverse. The city life is important as well.
Does Barnard fit this category? Any colleges in the East Coast you guys would recommend? Or, should I give UCSC a chance?

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Help Me With Some Homework?

1. What is the scientific method? What are the steps used in the method?
2. Define controlled experiment, control group & variable?
3. Name 4 important lab safety rules.
4. What is Biology?
5. Name the 8 characteristics of life.
6. Know microscope parts & functions, how do you figure out total magnification?
7. What is the difference between a solid, liquid, and a gas?
8. What is an atom & what 3 particles are found inside an atom?
9. Why is water a polar molecule?
10. What is the pH range of base? Acid?
11. What is a buffer?
12. What element do ALL organic compounds contain? What makes this element special?
13. Define carbohydrate, monosaccharide & polysaccharide.
14. Contrast dehydration synthesis & hydrolysis.
15. Define lipid. What monomers are they made of? How does one differ from another?
16. Contrast saturated lipids & unsaturated lipids.
17. Define sterols & phospholipids. Where do we find each?
18. What elements do proteins contain? What monomers make up proteins?
19. What do enzymes do? Define substrate & active site.
20. What makes up an amino acid? How does one differ from another?
21. Define peptide bond & polypeptide.
22. What elements make up a nucleic acid? What are the monomers of nucleic acids?
23. Who is Hooke? Leeuwenhoek? What did they do?
24. What organelles do plants have that animals do not? What is each used for?
25. What is the cell theory?
26. What is ATP?
27. Why is ATP important?
28. Define cell & organelle. Give 3 examples of organelles & what they do?
29. Contrast prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells.
30. What is the Fluid Mosaic Model?
31. Define diffusion, osmosis & concentration gradient.
32. Define exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis & pinocytosis.
33. What is equilibrium?
34. Contrast passive & active transport.
35. If a cell is in a hypertonic solution, which way will water move? What about a hypotonic solution?
36. Define cytokinesis. How is it different in plants and animals?
37. What determines how quickly materials enter and leave a cell?
38. What are chromosomes made up of?
39. A cell contains 15 chromosomes, how many will it have after mitosis?
40. At the beginning of mitosis, what does a chromosome consist of?
41. Define centromere, chromatid, and chromatin.
42. Name the phases of mitosis. What happens in each? Draw a sketch of each.
43. What phase of interphase is DNA replicated in?
44. As you move from Kingdom to Species, organisms become MORE or LESS similar.
45. Who came up with the 2 name system of genus and species?
46. Felis domesticus. Which name is the genus?
47. Give 2 reasons why scientists don’t use common names. What language is used?
48. What is the correct order of the biological hierarchy from kingdom to species?
49. Define a cladogram.
50. Define a community
51. What does an ecosystem consist of?
52. What is the difference between a niche and a habitat?
53. What are organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem called?
54. What is the primary producer in a cow pasture?
55. What happens to nitrogen when an organism dies?
56. In a food web, which type of organism receives energy from every other type?
57. In an energy pyramid, where do you find the most energy? The bottom or the top?
58. Water and minerals needed by all organisms on Earth are recycled through the ___________ cycles.
59. Precipitation and evaporation are important components of the ________ cycle.
60. Decomposition, bacteria, ammonia and fixation are part of what cycle?
61. Proteins are made up of this important organic compound that is involved in a biogeochemical cycle.
62. Name 3 things that come from decayed plants, are fossil fuels, and release carbon dioxide when they are burned.
63. When humans burn fossil fuels, destroy vegetation that absorbs carbon dioxide, and clear cut forests, we are impacting the _______ cycle.
64. Populations grow because the ________ rate is higher than the ________ rate.
65. As a population reaches its carrying capacity, there may be an increase in competition for these 3 things:
66. Human population growth is currently most rapid in developed/developing countries?
67. _____________ coevolve with their hosts, are usually smaller than their hosts, and rarely kill their hosts.
68. What is competitive exclusion?
69. Give an example of mutualism and commensalism.
70. Define succession.
71. What kind of succession occurs after a forest fire?
72. When a previously existing community is replaced, this is called ____________ succession.
73. Scientists strongly suspect that temperatures are increasing on Earth because increasing______________ in the atmosphere is trapping more heat. This is called the ________________ effect.
74. Pines, spruces and firs are examples of ___________.
75. Pollen is produced in the ________.
76. What is the male part of the flower?
77. What is the female part of the flower?

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How Do I Increase Traffic To My Website? What Are Your Revenues Online And In Affiliate Programs Per Month?

I would like suggestions and comments on how to improve my website and what not. What are some techniques some of you people found successful and what features are most appealing on websites? I am thinking of including a chart room, does anyone know of where I could learn HTML coding for such an element? How do I spread the message of my website and it’s purpose to those seeking it? I was just approved for google ad words program, I have an ad on my site, how much money could I expect to earn in a year if I actively improve and update my website? What are your experiences and earnings in affiliate programs, adwords, and your own website?

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