Tag Archive | "Donations"

Is It Legal To Make Download Links Or Files Available In My Personal Website?

Okay, so I’m making a website about music since I’m also a musician. My website contains my profile, contact, etc. but I haven’t uploaded it yet.
I’m planning to include a section for downloading the music sheets I currently have, to either share it to others/sell for little amounts to help me fund my website.
1. Do you think it will be legal for me to post download links of my uploaded musicsheets(in PDF, those that I’ve uploaded on upload sites) inside my website?
2. What if I ask for little amounts or donations from downloaders? Is it okay? Will it not cause any violation to copyrights or whatever?
3. How will I make money out of my website?
4. Is it okay to put affiliate download links?
If that’s not legal, maybe I’ll just put download links to my files for free. Would that be okay?
Please explain it well.
Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Get A License To Sell Copyrighted Sheet Music?

I’ve begun to write piano sheet music of Green Day song with Sibelius and upload them to the internet for free (which I have read is legal. If it is not please tell me.). I have the ability to make a small amount of money from this (from filesonic.com, affiliate marketing, and donations), but have thought about selling the music for a low price once I have a relatively large collection. How do I get a license for this and about how much are the royalties?

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Mechanical And Automation Engineering?

I am planning to join this course in PSN collage thirunnelveli , Tamil nadu, the course is anna university affiliated, but it is newly introducing in this year. if i select this course it can be match to my parents budget . They are in a little tight for mony .In mechanical engineering in almost good collages huge donations and fees are asking . my parents have no mony to pay such a huge donations(upto 10000) is there any mistake in my decession

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Is There A President Of The Atheists League And What Happens To All The Donations?

I am an independent atheist and not affiliated but I would like to have the strength of the league behind me.
Guy St Clare

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