Tag Archive | "democrat"

Are There Any Liberals Left In The Democratic Party?

Several of the Democrats I’ve recently talked to about politics have been statists. As a libertarian, I try to find points of agreement with people to keep hostility to a minimum. When I said I thought things like ending US military involvement in the middle east and ending drug prohibition were good ideas, they disagreed with me. Two people even disagreed that the federal government should mandate that gay marriage be legal. At first I was surprised, and then I realized that Obama is a Democrat and holds very similar, non-liberal views.
Has anyone else noticed this? I know there are still real liberals like Jared Polis in the party, but they seem to be a dying breed. Is the Democratic party trending toward a new ideological position? Are actual liberals still comfortable affiliating with it?
Please don’t try to extract an argument from my question; there is none. It’s a real question that has been inspired by my personal observations.

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What Party Was Abraham Lincoln Affiliated With?

Was he a Democrat or Republican?

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Republicans Are To The Military, Just As Democrats Are To What?

stereotypically, at least, republicans are pro-military and vice versa; it could be said that people in the service tend to vote republican vs. democrat more often than not due to how each party canditade typically thinks.
but i was thinkin… what is an organization/affiliate or whatever that tends to vote democratic??

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Which College Do You Attend And Which Party Do You Affiliate Yourself With?

I go to UCLA and I’m an Democrat-leaning independent.

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How Does One Go About Running For President Of The Usa?

If belonging to the Republican Party?
If just a simple commoner NOT affiliated with either the Republican or Democrat Party?

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What Exactly Are The Pros And Cons Of Having Illegals In This Country And What Is A Solution To The Problem?

So, in most places that I read about the escalating problem of illegal immigrants in our country (I’m aware it’s been like this for quite a long time and it’s not a recent thing), I really don’t know what to believe since a lot of people affiliated with the both the Democrat and Republican parties both seem intent on spreading as much misinformation as possible about how illegals really affect our country. What I want to find out is what are the actual pros and cons of allowing them to continue to stay here. For me personally, it doesn’t make sense to let all the needy coming in from all these different countries sneak in and we get to take care of them when our own people and economy need to be taken care of. Also, it just seems like a slap in the face to the immigrants who persevere and come in legally and when illegals put their personal (sometimes incredibly saddening) situations above our own system and laws, it just diminishes the value of those laws we put in place and makes it seem like big joke that we even have them in the first place.
Despite how it affects me emotionally, I appreciate the truth and facts a lot more so I can think rationally about it. So, what are the real pros and cons of the current presence of illegals in our country? How does it benefit the Democratic and Republican parties? How does it benefit the American people as a whole? As for a solution, I’m not really sure what will eventually happen, but it needs to happen fast. The situation is getting way out of control all the while Congress bickers and points the finger of blame at each other and neglecting to just sit down with each other and form a solution that every one can agree and compromise on. What would be your solution to the immigration problem?
P.S. If it means anything, you could consider me an independent (though I don’t really care for labels much). Also, if you’d be so kind as to provide sources for any claims you make, that would be much appreciated.

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