Tag Archive | "consequences"

Can Someone List Six Species That Live Near Hydrothermal Vents, What They Eat, Where They Live, And Other?

So, the basics are listed up. Here’s a more in depth description, which you don’t have to follow if you don’t want to, but you’ll be my hero and I’ll love you forever and include you in my will if you do:
• At least SIX species of interest in your biome. Include:
o An in-depth description of each species;
What their niche is in the biome;
What their habitat (location) is in the biome;
Thoughtful consideration of the species in relation to other species:
Possible consequences of removing that species would be to the Hydrothermal Vents
Any current threats, human-made or otherwise, to that species;
If species are not currently threatened, include other relevant information about them.

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Cheetahs In Australia.?

I came up with a very off the wall idea
Introduction of cheetahs into Australia.
I thought of it because the niche that cheetahs fall into isn’t really filled here. We don’t have any large land predators and it seemed at first glance that they might do well here without competition.
I’d like you guys to imagine this hypothetical situation.
think about what kind of consequences it might have.
how would they fair in our environment?
would they be able to live and breed in the wild?
what part of Australia would be ideal what part would not be.
what prey would they choose?
how would they impact the other animals here and in what ways.
would they compete with other feral animals?
and which animals would be most affected
how would a wild population of cheetahs affect the people and farmers. would they become a problem or leave them alone do you think?
whatever else you can think of.

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I Really Need Your Advice About These Lines?

I am doing my essay and it is difficult for me because I am not a native English speaker. Please, help me checking my text, thanks:
“The non-fulfillment of rules represents a big problem to DMTU, which is pressured by operator enterprises for increasing the quantity of vehicles on routes. The purpose of these is “to better the business” (major number of affiliated units”. Some of the consequences for the bad services are the following:
– Permanent maltreatment to the public transportation passenger by providing a deficient service.
– Users of public transportation are waiting for a soon change in the service.
– The dominant situation in the transportation market has caused the disintegration of the real enterprises.
– Current operator enterprises have as a unique objective to obtain “the maximum number of affiliated units”. The quality of the service is displaced to a second or third level of priority.”

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