Tag Archive | "college thesis"

What Kind Of Cookbook Would You Want?

I’m writing a cookbook for my college thesis and am wondering what you would be looking for in a cookbook. I was going to gear it toward people who don’t have a lot of money (college students, food stamp users etc) and those who don’t have a lot of cooking knowledge (easy recipes requiring minimal steps) but for someone who still wants to eat something healthy, tasty, and wholesome.
Does this sound like something you would want to use?
Most top selling cookbooks are for dieters, or a very niche market (like cooking southern biscuits).
Let me know what you think.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

What Kind Of Cookbook Would You Want?

I’m writing a cookbook for my college thesis and am wondering what you would be looking for in a cookbook. I was going to gear it toward people who don’t have a lot of money (college students, food stamp users etc) and those who don’t have a lot of cooking knowledge (easy recipes requiring minimal steps) but for someone who still wants to eat something healthy, tasty, and wholesome.
Does this sound like something you would want to use?
Most top selling cookbooks are for dieters, or a very niche market (like cooking southern biscuits).
Let me know what you think.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)


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