Tag Archive | "best friend"

Am I Being Dumb About This?

well my ex boyfriend are talking about being together again but he does not like my best friend(which is a guy) at all and he told me if im going to be talking him not to talk to my best friend..so i told him okay well then don’t talk to girls at all and he got mad and he said do i want to be affiliated with him that badly…and i told him if he does not want me to do something he shouldn’t either and all he put is wow ok…am i being dumb about this? or who’s wrong?

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Why Did She Do It?????????????????????

I need advice on how to ask my best friend why she lost her virginity. Shes 17 and shes dating the most annoying, effin douche bag on the planet. All of her friends know this. Her parents HATE him. I mean doesnt that tell her something?? Anyway she got caught having sex she was keeping it a secret from everyone and became this 2 face lying ***** i must say. So she finally told everyone when she got caught and couldnt keep it a secret anymore. I honestly dont care that she did it I just wana know why she did it with him. Ugh i HATE him. He lies sooooo much hes the biggest liar in the world. He changed her as you can see. So anyway why do you think she did it?? Hes not romantic he tries to be but its all a lie. One time he bought her a necklace and said he went to Mexico and got it for her. Hes so stupid she went with him to the flea market when he got it and waited like 2 months to give it to her. So another thing im worried about is that she said she doesnt remember their “first time”. She blacks out but only when shes drunk so I dont understand why she would black out. I remember when she told me she said that he forced her now she denies it of course. After their first time he always snuck in just to have sex with her. Not to be romantic no just to screw her. He never brought protection and shes so stupid she agreed to still have sex. Shes not pregnant she took test and went to the doctor thank god. Last weekend she said they snuck to his house and they had sex. After being sooo lucky she did it. Like really! I would wait for months before doing it. It just pisses me off. Oh and to top it off the started doing it after 2WEEKS of dating. Ugh so i guess im asking what should i do?? Am i just angry?? Like i said i dont care that she did it. I’ve done it. Just why with him?? Or why is she still with him when she knows all of this stuff she admitted it to me. Is there something im missing?? I’ve seen him hit on other girls too! And he got kicked out of his church because there was a rumor about him saying that he was sleeping around with a girl. Now i wouldnt doubt it. He told her no and me no but honestly everything he says is a lie. So you dont know what to believe. Please help me. And sorry for it being so long.

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