Tag Archive | "Alternative"

Alternative Ideas To Make A Career Online Or Otherwise…?

Can anyone help figure out some ideas? Could doing something simple as blogging about politics but to niche type of base maybe catch on to make money?
I’ve thought about selling wholesale on Amazon and Ebay but that doesn’t seem worth doing on my own and I’m working with a cousins company that does it and probably make more than if I did it myself.
Of course no one would give ideas that they would use themselves but I wonder if anyone can maybe throw some ideas on things I can really try from home that might might have potential.
I’m considering going back to college for business but admittingly if I can do something from home that could help others as well I would.
Any ideas would really be appreciated and I might delete this thread by tommorow so other people don’t take ideas from this topic.
Thanks !

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Gingrich And Ron Paul Say They Will End Department Of Education And Shutter All Student Loan Programs. Why?

So that the only people who can go to college are the super wealthy. Once again it shows repubs care only for the super rich. They mention no alternative whatsoever. In the absence of student loan program, you seriously believe an ordinary student can pay such expensive college on his own? Everyone knows university costs are sky-rocketing. And you think a private bank will loan 6000 dollars every semester for 4 continuous years? Get real. The fact that student has little income will directly disqualify him from bank loan. And if you are to get a co-signer, you think the co-signer will take the entire 50K education loan on his own head? And banks never wait until degree is finished. They start collecting payment right away. Its all nonsense. Banks themselves are for the purpose of serving the rich. Instead of cutting student loan programs which is vital to making degree possible for the vast majority of students, why don’t they cut useless foreign aid spending? Such as spending 2 billion dollars to remove Qadaffi and similar stuff? And do you even believe any faculty, student or college administration employees will ever vote for such people? tens of millions, even more than 140 million or so are affiliated to some type of university or college as student, teacher, or administration employee. They are shutting themselves out from the campaign by taking such positions?

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Google Adsense Alternative?

I want an alternative to google adsense that can pay me via Paypal. Is there anything like this?

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