Tag Archive | "adversity"

Does Anyone Else Think Religion And Creationism Takes Away From?

The beauty of the adaptability and staggering diversity of life to utilize every niche of the environment and overcome adversity over millions of years? I mean, let’s give hard-working life a little credit here! It was just created and stagnant? How useless. The world is dynamic and the critters work hard to survive.

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How Can I Convince Prospective Employers I Am Worth The Risk?

I am currently going to a private university and soon will be graduating with a double major in Business and Economics. I am also involved in two student organizations (Economics Association & Accounting Association). My only concerns are that I have a small burn scar on my hand from cooking which some people associate with gang relations especially because I am Hispanic, but I am not gang affiliated at all. I also only have G.E.D. due to family adversity during high school.
Do I have any chance for success or am I destined to fail via corporate politics?
Also, should I inform my prospective employers about the scar and my G.E.D during the interview?
Will honesty “be on my side”?

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