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How Can I Convince Prospective Employers I Am Worth The Risk?

I am currently going to a private university and soon will be graduating with a double major in Business and Economics. I am also involved in two student organizations (Economics Association & Accounting Association). My only concerns are that I have a small burn scar on my hand from cooking which some people associate with gang relations especially because I am Hispanic, but I am not gang affiliated at all. I also only have G.E.D. due to family adversity during high school.
Do I have any chance for success or am I destined to fail via corporate politics?
Also, should I inform my prospective employers about the scar and my G.E.D during the interview?
Will honesty “be on my side”?

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  1. N J says:

    Write a great summary at the top of your resume detailing your involvement/accomplishments with the organizations for starters. Build yourself up with great words. All TRUTH but written in such a way that shows your desire to succeed.
    If the application asks for the high school diploma then write, EX: State Of Iowa High School Equivalency Diploma. A person with a G.E.D. does not always represent someone who couldn’t make it in high school. I know people who got a G.E.D. just to finish up with high school to move on to bigger and better things. You say that family adversity was the cause of you getting yours. If the subject is approached, simply let them know that certain circumstances led to your decision to “opt out of high school” early. and you were not going to quit your education. Sounds like you took action to ensure you had what was needed once you were ready for college so that shows the potential employer that you have more than most people.
    As far as the scar is concerned, I don’t believe you should inform them. I would create a section on the resume for hobbies and list cooking at the top of that. You could also put a bandage on it before going to an interview. If asked, let them know about the cooking accident.
    Also, do your homework on the company before going to an interview. Research their website and familiarize yourself with what they do and the services they provide. If you are given the opportunity to discuss anything about that company and you already know something, this will impress the interviewer every single time.
    Go in with confidence, look sharp, walk the walk, and talk the talk. STOP QUESTIONING YOURSELF ABOUT YOUR CHANCES OF SUCCESS! If you want it, you will get it. There will be doors closed in your face. Those people will have missed their chance at gaining a valuable employee and you will have gained experience at interviewing and interacting with these strangers.
    To your success!!!!


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