Tag Archive | "Advantage"

What Are The Advantage/disadvantages Of An Extended Niche?

For science I have to right the advantages and disadvantages of an extended niche. I do science in French and the word niche étendue translates to niche extended. I’m not sure what that means but any help is appreciated!!

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What’s Ups’s Competitive Advantage?

What makes them better than their competition? What’s their niche?

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Over Time, What Would We Expect In The Evolution Of C3, C4 And Cam Strategies?

Over time, what would we expect in the evolution of C3, C4 and CAM strategies?
a)As the most complicated plants, CAM plants are most likely to go extinct.
b)As the probable ancestral form of photosynthesis, C3 plants are primitive and most likely to go extinct.
c)Because CAM plants make better usage of metabolism during the night, they are superior and will eventually become the dominant plants.
d)Because CO2 is delivered by the bundle sheath cells in C4 plants, they are superior and will eventually dominate.
e)Each form of photosynthesis has advantages in a heterogeneous world and as long as environmental conditions vary, all forms will have an adaptive advantage in their unique niche.

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Outline One Advantage And One Disadvantage Of ‘operating In A Low-volume Niche Market’?

Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of ‘operating in a low-volume niche market’

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As Organisms First Evolved, How Did Natural Selection Contribute To Biodiversity?

A:Organisms were able to find niches that were best suited to their needs.
B:The fittest organisms took advantage of new resources.
C:The strongest organisms beat out the competition for resources.
D;The least fit organisms occupied new niches.

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Why Would A Niche Company Have An Advantage In A Market?

They will rank higher with Google and get more hits online and make more money go here if you want to read more http://aboutwordpressblogs.com

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