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How Exactly Does One “pervert The Scriptures”?

I read the bible the same way I read any other book or document that is presented as fact.
The plain meaning rule applies.
The fact that someone chooses to infer sunshine and fluffy bunnies where there aren’t any, doesn’t change the plain meaning of the text. One might call it critical reading, not “perversion.”

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  1. Sandy says:

    Welcome To The Holy Spirit Re-Education Centre for Perverts and Other Degenerates …
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  2. Creation Detective says:

    Rabbits and hares practice refection, which is essentially the same principle as rumination, and does indeed ‘raise up what has been swallowed’. The food goes right through the rabbit and is passed out as a special type of dropping. These are re-eaten, and can now nourish the rabbit as they have already been partly digested.
    Actually Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 said Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. 8 However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything to come is meaningless.

  3. Master Poet says:

    Critical reading is not perversion…perverting Scripture is taking things out of context or misinterpreting in order to take people off the path to Truth. Reading critically is encouraged but along with the text, commentary should be taken into account to see how these words resonated with Christians in the past, in order to get their actual meaning.

  4. EddieJ says:

    The plain meaning of Isaiah 53 is that the Suffering Servant is a metaphor for the people of Israel. It is not talking about the Jewish Messiah.
    It’s plain because there are other places where Isaiah says, “my servant, Israel”.
    And it’s also plain that Christians have a motivation to try to find things in the OT that point to Jesus even though they are not there.

  5. keyjona says:

    Jesus said the scriptures would perverted by the antichrist.
    The original meaning of anti was, “instead of”.
    Instead of the Christ’s Gospel, Paul’s letters are used.
    Immediately after Jesus finished teaching the Gospel, the anti-Christ came. The Anti-Christ planted his words so close to Jesus’ words that his words can not be removed without uprooting Jesus’ words: He did this by changing Mark and Matthew’s Gospels then adding other books.

  6. Dear Dogma says:

    Rev. Winston Blackmore uses the scriptures to attempt to justify his polygamist community in my backyard of Bountiful British Columbia. He has 36 wives and counting (some of them daughters of previous wives)
    I’d call that a perversion of scripture.

  7. BadBeast says:

    By monsterbating all over one, sticking all the pages together with monkey custard, writing in sharpie on the cover “This Bible is a SLUT!”, before casually slipping it back onto Fr Michaels lecturn while he’s ‘helping’ the choirboys off with their cassocks.

  8. The Desolate One says:

    Not taking the same meaning as the guy trying to skull feed you= perversion.
    Abrahamism. Re-writing the meaning of words for two thousand years and counting.

  9. Paul says:

    Well, see, if you put two boy scriptures together, and they start to do certain things, then…
    Oh, wait, that’s not what you meant, huh? Never mind then 🙂

  10. Ash Hole says:

    Well, you get them, take them to a BDSM dungeon and spank them, til they scream! Or at least, that’s what I’d do!

  11. Your Overlord, Cthulhu says:

    Deliberately false interpretation. Most people “pervert the scriptures” nowadays.

  12. Delusion Crusher 10000 says:

    Perversion would be making a change or interpretation that is untenable AND diminishes or negates one of the fundamental truths about God and his plan of salvation.

  13. punch says:

    Roll a bunch of bible pages into a cone then use it as a dildo.
    I would say westboro baptist church does a good job of perverting scripture.

  14. Orca Doc in Training says:

    I take the phrase as meaning to “twist” the wording of the scriptures (or any other work) to serve one’s own end in a way that was not intended by the original author.

  15. KAT says:

    There is nothing about sunshine and fluffy bunnies in the Bible. Not sure where you read that but please back up your so called “truth & facts” (your words) with scripture.

  16. Blue Oyster Kel says:

    I think peanut butter is a key ingredient in any perversion……….

  17. John the Buddhist,-Lotus fan 卐卐 says:

    use your imagination….

  18. Nicolas says:

    Just study the Koran and then you know.

  19. OURScott says:

    When my girlfriend and I would spend the night in a motel, we would leave a few Polaroids of us doing the nasty in the Gideon……….
    true story

  20. 2 Shepherds says:

    Scripture is spiritually discerned, which means you need to be spiritually connected to God to grasp what’s written. Otherwise, you lean on your own understanding, and scripture is of no private interpretation.

  21. Scooterpoop, liberal steamroller says:

    You can’t, really.
    You can lie about it, but the Bible has outlasted many such morons without noticeable change.


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