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What Are Some Good Resources To Become An Expert On All Things Alcohol Related?

First, I want to specify that my ultimate goal is not necessarily to become a bartender or mixologist. However, I recently became interested in brewing my own sake or shochu. While I found plenty of guides on the subject, I found myself wanting to know exactly what certain terms meant, how flavors work, etc so that I may eventually perfect my brew.
I am internet-savvy, but I seem to only find either bare-boned guides on brewing, or only some niche sources. I will peruse multiple sources if it comes to it, but I was hoping there was a book or website that sort of laid everything out regarding what I am looking for. Any help and references is much appreciated!

No Responses to “What Are Some Good Resources To Become An Expert On All Things Alcohol Related?”

  1. Saruman. says:

    If you look up “how to make alcohol” in google, that might help you find some sites to help you out.

  2. WhoAmI36 says:

    tobacco only destroys the human body, there is absolutely no health benefits to using tobacco in any form.
    In fact the only health benefit that can be achieved by a tobacco product is to throw the tobacco product out after purchasing it, and even then the benefits are slim to none because all you actually did was lose money, but at least you got to keep your health.
    Instead i would use the money you spend on tobacco to purchase a high quality whew protein powder and then mix that with milk
    you really want non-homogonized milk cause after they separate it the particles will scar arteries, you really want as close to raw as possible. low temp pasteurized or not at all. we get totally raw milk. its good for you. whole foods sometimes has low pasteurized milk, raw is hard to get.
    then you would find a bar or something to do pull ups daily on, pulling yourself up above your chin.
    then finish with push ups.
    or hit a gym.
    all this will improve your entire life in the big picture and alter your entire future for the best, in comparison with sitting around smoking tobacco which only destroys your body.
    but if that’s what you want your future to be so be it.
    same goes for sitting around wasting your life drinking alcohol.


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