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Proposal Ideas? Please Help?

Hey people of Yahoo,
So heres the deal I want to propose to my girlfriend of 2 years in about two weeks. her family is from out of state they are coming to NY and this the only time to have her family here to be with us on that special moment. So I decided I want to do it then. I want to do something spectacular something amazing something to really show her I love her. But im brain dead lol I tried looking online its all simple like BBall game banner, newspaper add,etc… I feel like theyre all played out.
so thats why I came to you guys to see if you can help me think of something spectacular to do.
Its a Jewish holiday called Purim where costumes are worn. I was thinking affiliating it with that.
Please help me.
The best thing I can offer is to know that your idea changed two peoples lives forever.
Thanks for reading guys

No Responses to “Proposal Ideas? Please Help?”

  1. Grandpa says:

    No matter how it happens or where it happens, It will be memorable for you both.
    Sometimes simpler is better. Grand plans can go astray and ruin things. KISS is the rule.

  2. Amy says:

    How many pictures do you have of her and you together ?
    Have rose pedals leading from the inside of the entrance of her place all the way to the livingroom. Place three cards leading up to the livingroom on the floor with the rose pedals, one card will say “will” and then she keeps walking past the rose pedals and the second card will say “you” and the third card will say “marry” and then she will be in the livingroom as the rose pedals would have led her to and she will see you there and then in a Christmas tree with all your experiences together there will be one more card that says “me”. Set up a Christmas tree (preferably buy a small to medium Christmas tree that’s red or white you might get a cheap price of one from ebay or some other website ) and decorate it all with ornaments of places you’ve both traveled to together and put all the pictures you have as couple, cut them up and place them on the Christmas tree then at the very top of the Chirstmas tree or the bottom, place the box with the ring.
    If you guys live together you can set the tree up during the night while she sleeps and then just tie a long string to her ankle and when she wakes up in the morning she’ll be like “what the heck” and pick up the string and follow it and it will lead her to the living room where you set it up.
    Or you can just take her to a movie and have them put up “will you marry me” right before the movie starts… that would probably give everyone there something to talk about when they get home, lol.
    More importantly, if she loves you, she won’t care how you propose…. just that you did.

  3. Anya says:

    You’re right; those other ideas are totally played out now and they’re no longer the surprise they once were. But since you’re in NY…is it NYC? Why don’t you all go out on one of those horse and carriage rides (if they have them in the winter)? Go out later in the afternoon when it’s still light outside, but just starting to get dark so you can see the city lights. You can go for a nice ride, have the driver stop at a romantic spot, then pop the question. Have him drop you off at a fancy restaurant where you can pop the champagne and celebrate! The parents would love it and so would she. Or….
    If you are not in NYC, then how about renting a limo, and have champagne ready with four glasses. Open the champagne and tell the parents it’s “for them”…ha ha….THEN have the driver go to a place with a great view, then pop the question. Have more champagne then go to the restaurant of your choice.
    The next day, take your fiance and her parents to brunch. Sorry I don’t have more ideas but in the winter there’s not much to take advantage of, outdoors-wise anyway. It doesn’t have to be super-fancy, just simple yet memorable. Good luck!!

  4. Sue C says:

    You could go to a beautiful place for diner. IF they have one room that can be shut off from the rest, request that room. Let them know it’s an engagement party, to put flowers on the tables, decorate the room. Have them make a cake with “will you marry me” written on the cake, have the waiter/waitress hand it to you, you in turn hand it to her so she can read it…congratulations…:)


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