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What Real Life Would Be?

work hard and to stay at school and to have nice job (some money) or leave school and mind your own Business (alot of money)

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  1. Betty says:

    Better yet… stay in school and learn how to run a successful business. School and running a successful business are not mutually exclusive. For example, I have a minor in Business Administration.
    You know, while it is true that formal education tries to force you to take classes and absorb information that is skewed or near useless, you DO have some power to choose classes and knowledge that make you more powerful in your intentions and goals.
    If you do not have the discipline to do that, then the point is moot as you will have almost no chance of success in any business endevour.
    And, what makes you equate having your own business as alot of money? Maybe if you have a Killer Idea and are lucky (and venture captial, historically that has been required). But, most (small) businesses are actually losing money, and/or the Owners get less than minimum wage after all is said and done. Meanwhile, you take the risk and stress. You better learn some accounting and the concept of cost-benefit, break even, and Going Concern.
    Good luck! Oh, and as a big successful enterprise such as Apple, Facebook, et. al. required venture captial, you should work on your presentation and negotiation skills. You know, that is the real success with Steve Jobs. Early on when Apple was nothing but a hobby kit manufacturer, he persisted in convincing a major Venture Capitalist to invest. And, he had to come back time and time again to get. He also listened to what they advised, like getting rid of the late 1970s hippy fashions and polish up his business appearance.
    Then the next aspect of making wealth with you own business that should not be ignored is the IPO. That is when your company goes public and you hold large amount of shares, if you are lucky (it is not a sure thing) shareholders plop huge amounts of paper wealth in your lap. And, THAT is the secret of success behind Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and on and on…
    Oh, one more that is similar to the IPO strategy and seems to be how most people are successful at business these days… get bought out. Work a niche that then one of the big fish like Google or Microsoft want to buy at an inflated price. This has worked in the banking industry too.
    Good luck!

  2. Abdul says:

    Basically it depends on you and your choice. Which ever you want to do you have to do carefully to make money but the important thing is that you need to find some personal interest in it.

  3. Md says:

    Hard work & hard business be would real life.


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