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Not Doing Well In School And Life In The Future Doesn’t Look Very Promising. Can Anyone Relate To This?

I am in college right now and it is not going as I had planned. I already have decided on my major and I am working on many of my prerequisites right now. The thing is, I am not doing very well in school and as the semesters go by it seems I am only doing worse. At the beginning of each semester I say I will study, keep up with the reading, and work hard. It works for about 2-3 weeks in and I find myself cramming for an exam or writing a paper the night before. I am barely making grades nowadays with Cs, lucky Bs (very little of these anyway) and I think I have had one D each semester for one class. Its really, really bad, I know…I feel like everyone I talk to is doing well. I really don’t mean to be so lazy, it that’s what people would call this. I really want to make people proud of me and I want to be able to be proud of myself. If it were not for the negativity dropping out of college brings from family and friends, I would probably have taken a break from school and ultimately (probably) would have given up by now. I want to get through college and have a career. I just don’t want to “gasping for air” the rest of the way through college…I really appreciate anyone reading this. I really do not know who to talk to. I feel this isn’t even a question but more of a vent….thanks again everyone.

No Responses to “Not Doing Well In School And Life In The Future Doesn’t Look Very Promising. Can Anyone Relate To This?”

  1. Cynthia says:

    I feel you. I remember in my first Chemistry class, my professor gave an inspiring speech which I didn’t really believe. She said that in one of her first years teaching she had a student come to her office hours and tell her that she needed to get good grades from there on out because she was on academic probation and about to be kicked out of the University. The student had always taken Humanities classes I believe, and not done very well in them. She worked her *** off from there on out. She worked with the professor all year long to get herself where she had to be. It turns out that she got a 100% in one of her midterms (the only one in the class). And she ended up graduating from that University and getting accepted to Stanford for her Masters. I don’t know if to believe this story but if there is something true to take out of it is that everyone has their niche. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard this quote but it’s true: “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Anyways, the work isn’t going to do itself but do not get discouraged. Maybe you aren’t doing what you are meant to do, or maybe you’re not learning the way you’re supposed to. Experiment and you’ll get it.


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