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Atheists, Do You Affiliate With Scientology?

Here is why I ask…
Super bowl commercial “Atheism” –…
Super bowl commercial “Scientology” –…
They are the same video, and I didn’t know atheism & scientology are the same thing or not, or what is the difference, is there any connection between the two?

No Responses to “Atheists, Do You Affiliate With Scientology?”

  1. Brigalow Bloke says:

    Anyone who pays can advertise on television while any event is on.
    Scientology is a faked up “religion” cooked up by Lafayette Ronald Hubbard in the early 1950s.
    Hubbard was a former:
    Scribbler of shoot-em-up western potboilers for pulp magazines
    Scribbler of shoot-em-up science fiction potboilers for pulp magazines
    Malingering and barely competent junior officer in the US navy
    Consummate liar and fantasist
    Practitioner of black magic
    Misuser of other people’s money
    He also ran off with the girlfriend of his friend in the black magic scam.
    Sometime around 1950 he wrote a book called “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health” which he cobbled together out of bits of Freudian psychology and bits of magical philosophy. Like other self help books at the time it sold well. There was next to no science content, he just made it all up.
    Over the next few years he turned this into a religion / cult in which claims that you could grow new teeth and become taller were made among many other things. Utter bilge of course.
    Scientology has nothing to do with science, it is the opposite of science.

  2. Steve says:

    Ugh, NO connection.
    The superbowl “Atheism” commercial is just the Scientology commercial that was re-edited by some guy as a joke on YouTube.
    That is, there was no actual Super Bowl ‘Atheism’ commercial.

  3. Mircat says:

    Scientology believes everyone came here via aliens in a mountain.
    I am not a product of alien parentage.
    Atheists don’t have aliens in their family trees either, we are not absolutely positive about Christians.

  4. MtotheR MIGHTY RA! says:

    The only way Christians can make atheism look bad is if they pretend it is something else, this occasion by dishonest editting

  5. Solly Llama NOR★CAL R&S says:

    atheism =/= scientology

  6. Rebecca says:

    Scientology is a pseudo-religious cult.
    Atheism isn’t and has no association with said cult.

  7. adam says:

    No. Atheism is defined as the “lack of faith and or religion”.
    How do you exactly practice non-believing?

  8. Bulldog Drummond says:

    Atheism = no belief in deities
    Scientology = a bunch of meaningless, bizarre crap

  9. WiseOne says:

    They are not even remotely similar. Scientology is even more phony garbage than Christianity.

  10. Ask a Mexican ¡Hola Reportolas! says:

    No connection

  11. Christia says:

    Do you affiliate with stupid?

  12. dieter b says:

    Yes,every 60,000 years.I have no idea what you are talking about.

  13. Everard says:

    Naahhh… and scientology has nothing to do with science…

  14. jim says:

    All hail Tom Cruise. For he is my savior

  15. steve g says:

    athiesm is not believing in religion, scientology is a religion.
    I think that not believing in a religion is a religion but that is just me.


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