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Is This A Good Story Idea?

Hi, my name’s Jamie!
I’m an. . . Hmm. . . Let’s just say I’m a VERY young writer. . . He hee.
Anyway, lately I had a storie idea that I think is great! But, I’m not sure if anyone would enjoy it. Can you please let me know if you would enjoy this and why, or if you wouldn’t, why?
Title; Life and Death- Book One
Marketed towards; 10- 18 year old girls ( could also be for boys. . .?)
Prontoganist; Female
Plot- I won’t give away too much-; A girl named Juliet (?) is having a miserable time in highschool. She has no friends, and everyone laughs at her when she walks by. All she wishes for is a friend. . . Well, sometimes, you gotta be carefull what you wish for. . .
One day, a girl that she’s never seen before, begins to talk to her, her name is Vida ( Life). They become great friends untill, on the way home from school one day, someone tries to kill Juliet! That’s when Vida has too reveal all of her secrets. . .
She’s an angel.
It’s got a lot more too it than that, and there’s an ending!
Thanks in Advance, Jamie x

No Responses to “Is This A Good Story Idea?”

  1. Emily Winchester says:

    It seems a bit like ‘dead beautiful’ and other such stories, so it’s good that you classified it as y/a fiction….I guess many people will enjoy your book on reading it, such genres and storylines earn a great revenue ^.^ personally, I wouldn’t be THAT excited to read it, but I wouldn’t mind reading it, since I prefer somewhat different books, like, the hunger games.

  2. Mae says:

    I would read it if it were well written. Write the first draft and see what happens. You’ll probably hate the first draft of your book and then go on to the second draft. Listen, you’ll probably write 4 or 5 drafts until your satisfied. I have been doing this and I became a decent writer. Write a lot and it will pay off. This will not take a week, but 3 or 4 years. Be determined and have a drive to write your story because so far I have an interest to read it. Good luck! 😀 ( my name is also Jamie (mae is my middle name))

  3. Ruby Blaise says:

    It sounds like one if those books i could read on a lazy day, I wouldnt be taken overbmy it but I wouldnt be bored either.
    I like those books 🙂

  4. Monster O.o says:

    I usually get interested with the title. “Life and Death” is… um… how should i put this… too ‘classic psychology’ sounding to me. Like those written by Paulo coelho. So you could try mixing it up a bit. I’ll give you a sample… why don’t you use “Wish” as a title. The cover would be black with an angel’s feather on the center. Pretty catchy, ain’t it? And it fits your story quite well!
    About the story… It might be obvious but you could try revealing Vida was an angel at the end. It would do great :))

  5. Terra Nova says:

    10 – 18 year old girls? In terms of suitability of reading material, not much changes after 18, so you may as well make it 10 – 80 year olds.

  6. Kassidy says:

    Ya I would read it if it was well written.


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