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If Magic Was Real, But Outlawed, Would You Still Practice It?

Suppose for a moment magic was real.
You could throw fireballs, heal people with a touch, raise zombies, transform yourself into an animal… the whole bit. But while you could do those things, the study and usage of magic would be strictly forbidden due to it’s potential for abuse. People caught using it would be imprisoned and drugged to prevent them from able to conduct magic.
Would you be able to resist the temptation to practice it?

No Responses to “If Magic Was Real, But Outlawed, Would You Still Practice It?”

  1. CrimsonI says:

    Well, I would hone my magical skills in secret and seek out others like me who have also found themselves with magic powers that they are forbidden to use. We would create a Federation of Wizards and travel around the country collecting young wizards to instruct in the magical arts.
    Once we have enough skilled wizards we would petition the government to lift the laws on magic usage. Obviously that will fail( but it’s polite revolution protocol so we wouldn’t skip that step). Upon the rejection of our petition we would declare war upon the government.
    Waging this war will be hard( because they have anti-magic drugs and such) but we would win because we are skilled wizards who will have mastered the Arcane Arts.
    After the war we would establish a new government with two main bodies, one for the regular people and one for the wizards. We would set up magic schools to teach good habits in the Arcane Arts. We’d encourage people to begin using magic as a source of renewable energy and discover techniques to begin the reversal of the damage the Earth and people have suffered due to bad non-magical practices. We’d also set government regulations on the usage of magic, stating that magic can not be used to hurt or kill, take advantage of others, deprive people of their rights, cause public disturbance etc. We would also outlaw certain spells like mind controlling spells, demon summoning spells, torture spells etc.
    People would begin to enjoy the benefits of magic in the world, prices of things will go down and many problems and inconveniences would be solved. Might damage the job market for non-magicals but…ah…well we’ll jump that hurdle when we come to it.

  2. rainbowm says:

    I want to say I would abide by the laws, but knowing I’d be able to do it would tempt me, a lot.
    There’d probably be an underground organization that magis-users would set up, I would join them to learn from and be with people who use magic.
    In short, yes I would practise it, no I will not be able to resist temptation.

  3. Rach says:

    It would be so hard not to!

  4. fєαя ℓιfє иσт ∂єαтн says:

    YES. OH YES.

  5. Jonathan says:

    Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pajamas.

  6. n'importe qui? says:

    Ya i be so quickly in and out of the vaginas you wouldnt even know until u had a black baby

  7. Pervy says:

    It depends… are the guards which capture you able to use magic?

  8. TooNice8 says:

    nah. . . magic is for kids

  9. ♪♫Hinata is a S♥ne says:

    Hell yes I would still practice it. How are they gonna imprison me if I turn them into toads?

  10. Oz Rabbit says:


  11. FalseFac says:

    Hell yeah. It’d be awesome.

  12. Sirius Black says:

    I would so practise it!

  13. Kataraso says:


  14. LITTLE BIG MAN. says:

    i sure would.


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