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A Summer Road Trip With Christians?

okay i’m 22 and became Christian 2 years ago.. since then it has been very hard finding my “niche” in life, as well as a loyal group of likeminded radical believers..
anyways, this past summer i went on a 2 week discipleship school.. it had about 300 people and i was hoping it would lead me to friendship.
i ended up not making ANY real friends because almost everyone came with a group of friends, and i came alone.
anyways over the last few days at this school, a few people came up to me and told me that “God wanted me to tell you don’t worry about it.” this guy didn’t know what that meant, but said it was “between you and God”..
that was awesome because i worry alot about my direction, faith, etc….
and a day later this girl, whom i admired throughout the week for her adventurous, carefree spirit (something i try to emulate), actually came up to me and told me that throughout the week, God had been telling her to tell me, “God wants you to recognize Him”…
this adventurous girl told me that, and later that night the group i was with announced this “wilder tour”.. where its basically a road trip around the united states, saving souls and preaching to people.
that is what i’ve always dreamed of, so i take those two things as signs from God.
anyways, when i got home from this 2 week school, this girl responded to an old-ish email of mine who ran a ministry on Warped Tour (2 month long music festival in the USA).
i met them on warped tour before the 2 week school i went on.
i figured they’d have tons of people asking if they could join and hit the road with them and travel the USA… the weird thing is NOBODY asked. so she said i could join if i want.
from what i’ve said, does it sound like God wants me to do this?

No Responses to “A Summer Road Trip With Christians?”

  1. A Little Curious says:

    That’s the same answer I gave you a few days ago.

  2. Billy Blowfly says:

    Radical believer = oxymoron

  3. Karl says:

    We are not all called to preach or teach. We all have a different spiritual gift, seek and find it and glorify God/Jesus by using it. And pray for them. If God wants you to preach to then he will get them ready for it, but this is most likely not your calling/gift.
    So live your life glorifying God/Jesus with your gift and pray for others and let Jesus handle those things. Too many try to preach and/or teach when this is not their spiritual gift and doing this makes Jesus look bad. So let us all glorify God/Jesus by using our spiritual gift(s). Look them up and pray that Jesus reveals yours to you. Then do just it to glorify God/Jesus.
    Many go outside their gift and this is against Jesus’ teachings. If your gift is administration then glorify God/Jesus with it. If we all are the feet, who speaks? if we all speak, who walks? Jesus says we all have different gifts. And we are to use them to glorify God/Jesus with only them.
    And tell other Christians this, too many try to do too much. And make Jesus look bad in trying to do things they are not called/gifted to do.
    The scripture with all this in it is and it is long so I did not include it: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31
    bless you.
    Just think about the following for a minute. When the world gets bad in the end there will be no electricity. This means no computers, no heat for many, no gas pumps, no transportation, no food at stores. So when this happens you/we will have to kill others for their food or kill animals for food.
    The loss of electricity will put the world in ruin and if you do not take and kill you will die. Watch ‘Eli’ to get a picture of this. And this is just the loss of power. That leads to no transportation, no food because of no transportation, no farms no fuel for equipment. So if you can not kill and eat you will starve.
    At first the stores will be raided and eventually empty, then people will killl others for their food and/or kill animals or die. Can you survive in such a world? and God will hide at this time, so seeking will do nothing. We have our chance now to find God, then it will be too late. So will you die?
    take care.

  4. Sean says:

    I think the first event was a divine appointment from God, however the two others are options that have presented themselves. I would say that you should follow that advice, “not worry about it” and ” God wants you to recognize him”. So that’s my advice. Draw close to God, learn to better recognize him, and that confusion will alleviate itself because God says he is not a god of confusion.

  5. OPsaltis says:

    You should ask your spiritual director for assistance. Don’t have one? Then ask your pastor? No? Then get into a steady fellowship. You can’t be a lone ranger; we are saved in community.
    Forgive me.

  6. Jesuslov says:

    I don’t think that this is something that someone can answer on here but that you have to decide. If you have some time to decide, be in much prayer about it and let God lead you. Also, make sure to find out as much information as you can about it, that is going to help you know what all it is about. I think it is awesome that you are obeying the Lord…continue to serve Him.
    While you are in prayer, I also recommend reading the bible too! This will help a lot. 🙂
    God Bless.

  7. skullhea says:

    id say go for it. Definite yes from me

  8. Fred XX00 I says:

    So were you thinking of Jesus and God when you went on the trip were you thinking about God and Jesus when you were in class?
    where in this were you thinking about God and or Jesus. Jesus and God want you to set down;
    and put your thoughts upon Jesus and or God;
    for a little while calm down and set down and put your thoughts on the Holy one!
    see how good it feels in your spirit. wow
    now talk to God and ask him things.
    see what he says to you bro.
    Jesus loves you God bless you in Jesus name Amen.

  9. Alex says:

    This sounds really weird and suspicious. I would not trust strangers but if you want to go for it.


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