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How Is Racism Subconsciously Reinforced Today?

For example specific films which do this, or the way some news stories are presented, or art, or music, or anything else for that matter. But I need specific examples.

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  1. Charles says:

    1. when your employer is white and he hates blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and women
    ( no matter how many college degrees they has)
    2. By not promoting from within the inner circle but from the outside or from a affiliate from another state or region.
    3.By makingt the job harder than what it really is by not being satisfied with the excellent work you do.
    4. If the company or management has a hispanic manager; he will hire only members of his own race( and covertly charged them to get hired) ( I have seen this)
    5. By rejecting any thing you present or finding fault but gratefully accepting the work of inferior quality from someone else with a lower degree or lower work experience.
    This is especially done in the South

  2. Disgruntled the Cat with the Hat says:

    Political correctness, it is very condescending to minorities and they groan about it because it causes so much resentment amongst the host population, mostly they don’t want to be treated as a special case and positive discrimination causes more harm than good!
    Put yourself in their shoes it must be awful to worry that some people think they only got the job because of their ethnicity even if if isn’t actually true!

  3. Gent says:

    Reinforces the racial chip on shoulder,inferiority feelings,of actually inferior people.
    Tokem employees,commonly fail,or are promoted so that their 3rd rate status is even more obvious.
    THEY resent being shown up,and humans resent their seniority due to their race,not their ability.
    Cyclic,effective,see minority,see token,see PC failure.

  4. Charles says:

    Do schools these days teach anything except victimization?


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