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What Would Be The Best Place To Start Learning Math?

Math is not my strength by any means, but that is more tied to poor logic. I am very intuitive though and am greatly interested in acquiring the skills to pursue higher math. I’ve been through school and did okay in the classes, but I’ve never really understood WHY the problems are solved the way they are. I am a visual-kinetic learner and haven’t really found a niche to absorb math the way I’d like. I love astronomy, physics and meteorology and would like to pursue those interests further, but math is something that is always in the way. Do any of you know of a good place to start, as a refresher, that will challenge me and perhaps appeal to my learning style? Books? Websites? Thanks in advance.

No Responses to “What Would Be The Best Place To Start Learning Math?”

  1. Unknown says:

    I’m currently a freshman in high school taking algebra II. In American high schools the order often follows: algebra I, geometry, algebra II, trigonometry/precalculus, calculus, etc. My school offers many higher-math courses. My parents would like to me to study trigonometry/pre-calculus over this break and the summer so that I may take Calculus next year. That way, I can pursue other classes such as multi-variable calculus, statistics, discrete math, etc. in my junior and seniors years.
    I’ve started to tackle pre-calc./trig. now by researching online. I discovered Khan Academy recently, a non-profit organization that provides free videos online. You can read about it on Wikipedia (… and the actual link for the website is here:
    Basically, you watch videos about the subjects you wish to pursue, and are also able to practice with examples. I think it would suit you, because you are a visual learner. I’ve begun with trigonometry and I highly recommend it. I’m certain they have the subjects you mentioned, and everything is free!

  2. Wilson says:

    I am graduate in physics and Maths. And i know there is short cut to understand maths.I faced the same problem during my high school. all i did was i kept practising basic maths, and i collected all the formulas i can get from the text books. and just kept practising all the formulas everyday. initially it will feel a bit odd and will not make any sense. but if you keep on practising everyday. i think you will automatically start understanding the concept. i did this and it helped me a lot.


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