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In Paul Newsletter, Isn’t Stuff About Illegal Drug Sales Funding The Cia More Explosive Than The Racist Lines?

The jist of it is this:
The reason there is a federal war on drugs is because this ensures there is billions in black market profits (primary cash) available every year. Essentially the drug war doesn’t stop anything, it simply allows the government (and government entities) to control who makes the money. Obviously there would be more than enough to secret CIA missions all over the world.
The reason I ask, is because Ron Paul just doesn’t seem racist. But he DOES seem like someone who would actually believe something like this.
What do you think? Could it be true?

No Responses to “In Paul Newsletter, Isn’t Stuff About Illegal Drug Sales Funding The Cia More Explosive Than The Racist Lines?”

  1. Angry Glen Beck says:

    these thing about the racist lettters were disproven years ago its not a new thing, the media are just digging it up recently because the man is more honest and its all they can get, scraping the bottom of the barrel

  2. ndmagicm says:

    There have been a few verified cases of the US buying illegal drugs in exchange for arms sales. The old Air America campaign in Cambodia during the Vietnam War and of course Iran-Contra with Reagan and Ollie North.
    So is Ron Paul telling us something we do not already know and trying to claim it as some big exposure by him of a giant secret? Sorry Ron, it;s not.

  3. John Smith says:

    Well the war on drugs is a complete failure, so obviously something else is going on otherwise we would stop… Someone who calls the shots is making money otherwise we would stop…. We are 15 trillion in debt and no signs of slowing down, the condition of America is getting worse, how can you honestly believe the people at the top have the American people in mind…. , i suggest doing your own research, check out a book called “reefer madness” it is a great non-fictional book about how our government makes bank off of the underground economy (black market)

  4. Justin C says:

    Ron Paul is a liar, conspiracy theorist, and frequent guest on the Alex Jones radio show, the same kook running round-the-clock end of the world as we know it commercials.
    So if I said Obama and Romney are both liars will that somehow make Ron Paul less of a liar?

  5. Ou812 The Hate U Created says:

    Yes but the drug sales are absolutely true. Or did you forget about Iran-Contra?…

  6. Liddel says:

    On the one hand, I couldn’t care less about anyone’s newsletter from 20-25 years ago. On the other hand, Ron Paul has been attacking his opponents for their positions from 20- 25 years ago so it might just be good karmic justice.

  7. TAT says:

    Paul is a loon. He accused gays of intentionally poisoning our blood supply. He believes meth and cocaine should be sold at the local bodega but does not believe you should be able to get penicillin over the counter.

  8. Rona Lachat says:

    If you believe everything a politician says may I interest you in some ocean view land I have in Arizona?


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