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Can Anyone Explain This To Me? yup i don’t care what anyone says anymore about the bujinkan ninjitsu system its fake hatsumi is bullshitting people when obviously he’s not even a good fighter he’s pathetic and a scam so is richard von donk and everyone else affiliated with the martial art they use you for your money when the fighting is now help in the modern age today im so **** bujinkan ninjitsu and hatsumi his master must be rolling in his grave with the **** he’s doing now

No Responses to “Can Anyone Explain This To Me?”

  1. JoeToe says:

    I don’t think ninjitsu was designed for what you’re looking for. This is why there are hundreds of Martial Arts styles, and thousands of sub-styles.
    There are an unknown number of Karate styles/ groups for this very same reason. Look at how many different Kenpo groups there are since the passing of Ed Parker? Still, people spell it Kempo, Kenpo, Kanpo, etc to avoid law suits and still teach it the way they think it should be taught. Some people scrap the Black belt stystem and focus on fighting for titles, such as the ISKA, etc…
    If you feel that someone is “watering down” or not teaching your style the correct way, then if you think that you or someone else can, then you should set up a “break away” group, but remember that one day your students could say that you’re not the real deal since you broke away……
    I’m just pointing out the obvious. I hope it helps you.

  2. Rikashik says:

    Thats a DEMONSTRATION from a TV show. Ofcourse he won’t fight as a professional because he was 77 in that video.
    The point of Hatsumi teaching is to give small people a chance at doing well in realistic fights and continuing the traditions that he was taught by one of the last Shinobi. Hatsumi taught Taijutsu to US soldiers in the 70’s and they’re still using it today so obviously its effective.


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