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What Tea Party Affiliation Do The Four Georgia Men Who Were Arrested For The Ricin Plot?

Which local Tea Party groups were they affiliated with?
Can we expect to see more of these terror plots from the right wing?

No Responses to “What Tea Party Affiliation Do The Four Georgia Men Who Were Arrested For The Ricin Plot?”

  1. Dog Paws says:

    Tea Poop party is dead.

  2. rsc3033 says:


  3. The Return of the Ghost says:

    Why would you think that?
    The violence seems to be coming from the OWS.
    Didn’t one of your stenches just take a shot at the Oval Office?

  4. Horse Head says:

    They were an alleged “militia group”, notihing to do with the “Tea Party”. Considering they were entrapped by the FBI, I doubt the old kooks would have been able to make ricin.

  5. tonalc2 says:

    They didn’t say; the police said they were “members of a fringe group of a known militia organization” called the “covert group,” which held clandestine meetings in the northeast Georgia foothills.
    And to answer your last question, yes.

  6. Jayne Savage says:

    I am plotting terror as we speak!

  7. Fahrenheight 451 says:

    The right wing spends it’s entire life engaged with the Military Industrial Complex and WMD’s and we are Israel’s Beotych so I guess the entire party except for Ron Paul is really into Terror and 2nd Amendment rights

  8. Ou812 The Hate Returns says:

    Do you want me to go and dig up the articles again for you?
    -they say “after an informant was given the go ahead to furnish them with materials……….”
    Funny? That sounds just like that Somali guy in Oregon who was going to blow up the X-mas tree? You know? The one that “was groomed by an informant to become extremist for over a year and furnished a non working detonator by the FBI”
    This is YOUR God Obama throwing out chum in the ocean to draw sharks. They normally don’t frenzy but with blood in the water they can’t help themselves.
    “look everbody! I told you it was dangerous to swim in the ocean. It’s full of sharks!”

  9. Alpha_Ch says:

    terror plots from the right have never stopped, they are like al qaeda, always looking to mass murder american citizens, as with al qaeda, only constant vigilance would protect you from the conservative rightwing influences.

  10. expertga says:

    Somehow, you’ve got the wrong group. Keep reading your
    newspaper and you’ll see it definitely was NOT The Tea
    Party. I went to Alpha Chi’s link and not one word was
    mentioned about The Tea Party being involved.

  11. Messin With Sasquatch says:

    THey are far from “TEA Party” members.
    Get your mind right.
    If you can.

  12. Scales of Justice 3 says:

    Care to offer more than just nothing slick.

  13. stupidca says:

    None, they were progs…they are the 99%…

  14. Dinamuk Roberts says:

    They were all Liberal Democrats.
    Aren’t ALL Liberals actually Terrorists of sorts?
    Liberals take our Paychecks.

  15. polariso says:

    none….That sounds more of a left wing radical .Oh thats right left wing nut jobs want to eat the flesh of hard working Americans Obamas progressive liberal zombie army

  16. badmofau says:

    “Frederick W. Thomas, age 73, thirty-year veteran of the US Navy with experience in explosives, also worked as an aerospace engineer with top security clearance. Thomas was an Oathkeeper, a Three Percenter, and an active member of the TeaParty. He was also the ringleader of the group.”
    But, personally, I think his desire for anti-government violence has more to do with the Sovereign Citizen movement than the TEA Party.
    Most TEA Partiers just want to sit around and watch TV.
    Still, it is predictable and amusing how TEA Partyers will deny any facts that associate any of these guys with the TEA Party. It’s like they believe that NO right-winger is capable of wrong-doing.
    It’s that kind of team-player zealotry that keeps them in-line and voting for the GOP every time. And, how they can’t bear to face the truth that “fascism” is a far RIGHT political system rather than a far left political system.

  17. sociald says:

    There is no Tea Party affiliation. ive read news stories from all over about these 4 old guys ( the youngest one of them is 65 ). There only association is reading some blogger and a novel.
    This is a nutty militia group , apprently consisting of 4 senior citizens.

  18. One Truth says:

    the news indicated rightwing militia, two of them had past employment history that would have been useful for the manufacture of this material, sad part is that many give support in forums for these four guys that had ambitions of murdering people, maybe if their own loved ones were in harms way people would stop looking at these murder minded individuals as heroes.

  19. axe says:

    At least one is said to be a tea party member, all were right wing conservatives, at least one had the capacity to carry out the making of the toxin, it’s just a sign of the times, conservatives looking to carry out atrocities against all people they see as being worth less then themselves.

  20. Abraham Lincoln says:

    Interesting twist from a left wing shill, or maybe some one wishfully thinking. Well, according to this NYT times article, no TEA was noted. Try harder to come up with something that would even come close to OWS…


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