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Is There Any Way I Can Get A Part Time Job In London While I Visit For Two Months?

I am a 19 yr old US citizen and I am going to visit my family in London for two months. I have been trying to apply for a work permit but I can’t find a link that applies to me, The Youth Mobility program will not work because the U.S is not affiliated with it . Can some one please post a link? I am not an experienced worker, i am just looking for a part time job.

No Responses to “Is There Any Way I Can Get A Part Time Job In London While I Visit For Two Months?”

  1. Diane A says:

    Really doubtful. The UK has plenty of unemployed inexperienced workers it would employ way before you. Only highly trained/professional people gets international positions & that depends on great number of factors too.

  2. jupiter2 says:

    Look up the UK’s Border Agency. Under their visa requirements, they tell you that if you’re going to the UK to visit, you aren’t allowed to take employment. If you want to work while you’re there, you have to apply for a work visa. Although if you’re only staying for two months, they might reject it.

  3. luddite says:

    If you are entering the UK on a visitors visa you cannot work, paid or unpaid. You cannot get a visa enabling you to work unless you are educated to masters level or have an occupation on the skills shortage list. At 19, this is extremely unlikely. You will not be able to work in the UK under any circumstances.

  4. Kittysue says:

    You can’t get a work permit for a job that will last only two months. Work permits are sponsored by the employer and are good for 2 years. No employer is going to spend 3-4 months of their time and over £10k in legal fees to sponsor an employee who is only going to work for 2 months. Even if you had a British passport it would be doubtful that you would be hired for any job if you were only in the country for 2 months
    Most call centre jobs are outsourced to India. Even the British banks have their call centres in India these days, not in the UK. Same with airlines, travel agencies, etc

  5. onlytryi says:

    no, you can’t get a permit. No, you can’t get a job. and if you are caught breaching your tourist visa you will be deported, and won’t be allowed into the UK again.
    so save your money before your holiday.

  6. peanut 2 says:

    No chance.
    I know many people who have been job hunting for way longer than 2 months and havent gotten anything….and they have degrees. They cant even get store work.

  7. Georgia says:

    There is no permit. If you want to work in London you would have to apply for a different type of visa, a works visa, rather than a simple holidaying visa. You wont qualify for the works visa, its very strict and has quite a high standard, things like having a degree are requirements, nor will there be much point in it being accepted if you only plan to come for two months. So legally you are not going to be able to work here when you visit. You can chance it yes as an illegal worker, but like someone else has said, if you get caught, you will be deported and banned for life. If you want to chance it then go ahead.


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