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I Cam Home And My Husband Was Gone.?

My Husband and I have been married almost two years now. Two days ago I came home from work and he was gone. He only took some clothes and our dog from the backyard. He didn’t leave a note and he hasn’t called me to even say why he left or if he’s coming back. I have no idea why he left other than the fact he didn’t like our current residence because of our roommate.(we rent a house) We almost never fight and if we do it’s fixed within the hour. I haven’t been apart from him other than when I was away in the military for a few weeks. I called his work place to see if he had been fired because i know that he would be to ashamed to tell me. When I called they said I was no longer affiliated with him and were not allowed to tell me where he is. I am completely devastated, I miss him so much haven’t slept or eaten since he left. Is he coming back? Is he ok? I don’t know what to do I’m am so lost. What do I do now?!

No Responses to “I Cam Home And My Husband Was Gone.?”

  1. Johnny Greene says:

    This reminds me of an auto bumper sticker: Husband left with dog; reward offered for dog. You can file a missing person’s report with the police, and they might be able to investigate at his place of employment to find out what happened. Incidentally, he might change his mind and come back after a brief period of time.

  2. Tom sawyer says:


  3. Terry M says:

    There is nothing you can do. he obviously has some issues he didnt want to discuss with you. If you cant contact him their is no option. Prepair yourself and find yourself as an individual rather than a unit with him.

  4. auftrit says:

    If this is a real question then the thing to do would be to go to the police and report your husband as missing.
    Nobody on Yahoo Answers can help you no matter how much they may want to.
    Good luck

  5. KAS says:

    oh, he probably feels embarrassed that he lost his job and couldn’t face you, what a douchebag
    do now? Wait and see if he comes back when he grows some balls to face you.

  6. Ryde On says:

    I’m sure he is taking good care of the dog , no need to worry.

  7. Melanie says:

    Plain and Simple, he left you. He even went through the trouble of updating his coworkers about the situation.

  8. jazzy09 says:

    You’re married and have a roommate? I’m sure there is much more to this story. Not enough info here to understand about your relationship.

  9. ginarene says:

    If this is for real(and please excuse me if so) I would be pretty worried and would be making a missing persons report as soon as possible. Sounds kinda strange about the work situation. Do you know anyone he worked with?

  10. Wendy says:

    So get off the computer and take your butt down to his job and speak to him directly? Hire a private investigator to follow him and see what he is up too. Call his friends nad see what the hell is going on.
    You have many options other then asking us folks who know nothing of him for help.

  11. says:

    thats sux! :/

  12. Paul says:

    I really feel sorry for you. Horrible situation – simply horrible. He hasn’t be fired or they would have said he no longer worked there. He isn’t dead or they’d have said something to indicate that. He’s had to tell them in advance what to say when you called – that’s the only way they would have come up with that response. Call the cheapest atty you can find and file for divorce. I’m very sorry.

  13. Vince says:

    i dont think u should spend all ur time thinking of him. Because if u do youll only miss him more. Try to do things to get ur mind off of everything go for a walk,maybe hangout with ur girlfriends. but dont sit and wait. somtimes people sit and wait and what there waiting for never happens. things will happen the way there ment to happen just keep ur faith in god and in urself

  14. sunni says:

    If his employers were able to tell you that you are no longer affiliated with him then it means he has begun to severe your marriage Did you have no signs that your husband was so unhappy? Despite you trying to sugarcoat everything, it must have been pretty bad that he did not even felt the need to discuss his feelings with you. You should plan your future life without him. You are feeling hurt and surprised right now but you will get over this in time. Do not lament too long on a man who did not even have the courtesy to let you know why he did what he did.

  15. Kat A says:

    A lot of the answers here are suggesting this might be an untrue or exaggerated experience however, this actually DID happen to me.
    I was engaged and living with my partner of four years when he left.
    I found out he’d left me for my friend. I found out from other people NOT him. That was two years ago and I have never had any contact from him to explain or apologise for how or why he left. It’s wasn’t that he left as, who wants someone to stay when they want to go? It was that we had spent a long time together and he didn’t respect me enough to give me closure…..I promise you, life does and will get better and in fact I hope, in time, you feel how I do now….HAPPY.
    Good luck

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