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Is Affiliate Marketing Helpfull???

Hi All,
Can anyone help me in finding the answer of the question that “Is affiliate marketing helpful in promoting my new online product? Is it a money saver promotion than any other mean??

No Responses to “Is Affiliate Marketing Helpfull???”

  1. Abhishek Gaumat says:

    To define affiliate marketing is that it’s a technique where other publishers and websites will promote your business. Basically the way it works is that an affiliate is rewarded every time a visitor, customer or sale for your business is generated through an advertisement on their web site. There are many different ways compensation is provided, but the concept remains consistent—you pay them for generating business for you. If a viewer is at the affiliate’s web site, and the affiliate doesn’t quite have what they’re looking for, they can easily click over to your web site. It’s an increasingly popular technique for those seeking to maximize they’re staying power on the web.

  2. Brooklyn Love says:

    Affiliate sounds great like your company and there company would team up and advertise each other but no, usually the company will not advertise your company,you advertise there’s and they pay you so much for each person that signs up to there site(your customers basically) so more beneficial to them.
    The best thing to do is a (Link Exchange) and (Banner Exchange) it is free and a two way street meaning you advertise each other for free. Also I use linkrefferal. I for got the url but there are many sites you can do a link exchange. I hope you decide Banner exchange rather then affiliation program,. I wish you the best of luck on your new site and hope you find this helpful:)

  3. ara77 says:

    yes it is and clickbank is a good place for it…

  4. Natalie Butler says:

    I think this site will help you in marketing, a close frend told me about it. It troly tells you everyting you whant to know about runing a business online.

  5. Jim B says:

    Hi Maria,
    Affiliate marketing is indeed a excellent model to promote your products. And there are thousands of affiliates waiting in affiliate networks, such as ClickBank and Commission Junction, to promote for you.
    However, these are not the only networks available and which network you use and how useful the network is for you depends on the type of product you are selling. For instance, ClickBank is geared more toward digital products, while Commission Junction steers toward physical products and so on.
    Here are a few tips:
    Have a clean, easy to navigate sales page for your product and be sure to include any comments or testimonials from users of your product.
    When setting up your merchant account at the affiliate networks, you will draw more affiliates to your product by offering at least 50% commission on sales, but you’ll do better at 65% or more.
    Remember that affiliates get credit for sales by a ‘cookie’ that attaches the prospect to the affiliate. So, when you promote your product through email or whatever, do not use your own affiliate link so that you do not accidentally over write an affiliate.
    Allow your affiliates to purchase your product through their affiliate link. They can then refer prospects based on their own experience with the product.
    Later, if you find this system works well for you, you would want to consider having your own affiliate program for your products using software similar to Imember or IdevAffiliate.
    I hope that you have found this useful!


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