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Why Are Some People Using The Arizona Shooting Tragedy To Push Their Political Agenda?

I was reading an article about the shooting and came across comments that, instead of sending condolences, decided to make it a political game. Did you forget that people died in this shooting? Where the hell is your sense of humanity? For once, can y’all set your ******* politics aside and agree that it was tragic for those involved? You have no idea what this guy was affiliated with, or if he was at all. He was obviously nuts and that’s all there is to it.
You people who made this into a political issue are ******* sick. There’s a time and place for those things and this was not one of them. So why bring in your political agenda into a tragedy?

No Responses to “Why Are Some People Using The Arizona Shooting Tragedy To Push Their Political Agenda?”

  1. TheDudeA says:

    Because now its the party on the left that can’t let a crisis go to waste.
    And the liberals want to take away the Guns from people who legally bought them.
    The far majority of shootings are committed with unregistered weapons.
    So take away the GUNS of the Innocent…. expect a lot more robberies! particularly home invasions

  2. Jerry Gradler says:

    because people like barack obama, george w. bush and their bosses realize that in order to have total control over people all their guns have to be confiscated.

  3. fognearc says:

    You are of course, correct. A kook is a kook. He belongs to no political persuasion, and no respectable party would claim him.

  4. Joseph says:

    Liberals have always used these tragedies to further their agenda, its nothing new. When your views are as at odds with reality as the Liberals’ are you have to disguise or out right hide them. And when some one this dishonest finds some thing that he can use to his advantage, he will do it.


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