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If You Press Charges, Does The Perp Find Out Your Name?

Hi, everyone. My husband and I have been the victims of a violent crime. The investigators are doing an okay job, but the police were less than helpful in advising us. We are looking for a victim advocate or someone to help us make decisions, but until we find one, we feel pretty lost.
Since we weren’t given much information about the process, and we had to make a split-second decision, we initially said we would like to press charges. Things are going kind of haywire with the investigation, and we are pretty scared for our safety. If this ever goes to trial or if these people are ever brought to justice in any capacity, will they find out our names?
I know it’s not like a civil case when it’s Jane Doe vs. John Doe, instead it would be the DA filing the charges, so the state, but I still wonder if the victims are ever named. We have a few reasons for wondering. Obviously, they would find out what we look like if we showed up, but they already know that. We just don’t want them to have our names to look up anything about where we live, work, etc. They are affiliated with gangs, and there are several of them out there.
Thank you for any help.

No Responses to “If You Press Charges, Does The Perp Find Out Your Name?”

  1. John says:

    Yes they will find out during the arraignment. I wouldn’t stress too much about it. Literally millions of criminal cases are prosecuted every year in the U.S., and it is extremely rare for a suspect to attempt and retaliate against the victim

  2. DN4CER says:

    You will have to testify in court against them and they have the right to cross examine you.
    Yes, they will know who you are.

  3. Stymied says:

    Yes, they would know (at least in the USA). Per Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution, they have the right to confront their accusers.


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