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3 Reasons Kim Jung Il Should Legalize Marijuana?

so its like me and my buddy was sitting the other day and was thinking its like north korea best place to legalize the weed plant because its like perfect, so it go a little like this..
1 ) they can rub it in the face of usa and the euro trash, the next time one of those annoying humans rights fellas brings up north korea they can say we can smoke weed how about you scum!
2 ) everybody gonna be happy, the fellas there just way to stressed out and depressed, its like mass attitude adjustment at little risk and very low production cost
3 ) its good economy, all the product that can made out of it, its like, it can be their niche in the world
so as you can see this is well though out very clever idea
i rested my case
so what you folks think about this? should we send ambassador to NK with the great news?

No Responses to “3 Reasons Kim Jung Il Should Legalize Marijuana?”

  1. Ryan says:

    I agree.

  2. AbaR says:

    It might make his “citizens” realize he isn’t a god.

  3. SCE2AUX says:

    Why would it matter? He’s the only person who can afford it there anyway.

  4. Cthulhu says:

    it might chill his little a$$ out a bit

  5. iwasnota says:

    It’s very difficult for me to picture Mr. Weird Hair toking on a bong and grooving to Lyle Lovett (because of the hair, no doubt) on the headphones. Wouldn’t be a bad idea, though.

  6. Philip H says:

    1) They could say: “See? Our citizens can enjoy living in garbage. How about you?”
    2) Their insane leader would mellow out and put away his weapons of mass destruction.
    3) Since smoking weed make some people paranoid, their military could direct their irrational fears at their own leaders and end this foolishness.

  7. Liberals FTW Eternal says:

    It’s also good because a doped up commie is more easily controlled!

  8. jxt299 says:

    The idea sounds ridiculous at first but actually, how about if No. Korea established a drug resort on some unused land somewhere in their country? People could come and use any drug they wanted, they could rent hotel rooms, stay as long as they wanted, get all the drugs of any kind they wanted for a fee, the country would make a huge amount of money, it wouldn’t have to contaminate the rest of its citizens because it would be an isolated area. Nice thinking!


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