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Im Wasting My Life Away, What Can I Do?

I feel like im wasting away. Im 25, and i dont do ANYTHING. I’ve been off for nearly 3 weeks now and i’ve done nothing but sit on my *** day in day out watching tv and playing on my laptop. I’ve yet to get my drivers licence cause, i don’t care. I Went to college but ended up dropping out cause yes, i stopped caring. My lifelong dream of going sky diving was accomplished this past summer and yeah, i feel like it wasn’t as great as it should have been.
I’ve tried just about everything i could think of, career-wise and hobby-wise and i feel like i just can’t find what i need. For about a year i used to hit he gym just about every 2nd day, then i stopped caring. I’ve taken courses galore hoping to find that niche that everybody is supposed to have, but every time it starts, i get sick of it.
As a child i was in advanced classes, im not a stupid person, but i just dont have any motivation. More and more im becoming hesitant in spending my money trying anything cause i feel like the materials will just end up taking up space in my closet like the rest.
Any suggestions as to what i could do?

No Responses to “Im Wasting My Life Away, What Can I Do?”

  1. McDrunk says:

    Find a hobby like playing a new instrument, go out and meet new people. What makes people so enthusiastic is other people, they bring light to ones life. Maybe you should stop not caring. Quiting is one of human nature’s worse problems. Maybe you need a friend or a girlfriend to help motivate you and support what ever you are or planning to do and also, you should go back to school to meet new people and what would motivate you to go back to school would be friends. You could go out hiking, get a job, write, create, run, collect, ETC. Life could be better if you at least try at it. Maybe you should go sky diving again with a few friends, you would have a lot more fun!

  2. gw says:

    it sounds like you have ADD…
    talk to a counselor about it…
    at 25, you should be more motivated than what you have described…
    good luck…

  3. Alex says:

    so you do not feel motivated, but you know you are wasting your life.
    you have the chance to get an education, but ignored it. you have the chance to work out at a gym, but you don’t bother to take it. you say that you can work long hours, but you don’t actually do it.
    frankly, that makes me mad. that you get all these chances, and decide to blow them off because they aren’t exciting enough, while other people are going without food and would give almost anything to get an education that would allow them to earn enough to feed themselves and their families. you have been given so much, but it is not good enough for you.
    what about other people then? can you manage to care about them? can you stir yourself to do something to stop their suffering, or is that too boring too?
    if your life of plenty is just too paltry, why not join the peace corps for a year, and see what real suffering is like. work to build hospitals for people who die from leprosy and small pox. work to dig wells in places where the water they drink makes them go blind, but they have to give the water to their kids, or the children die. knowing they are giving their children contaminated water that will make them go blind by the time they are 25 makes these people’s lives a living hell. exactly the opposite of yours.
    maybe you could get up off the couch to help bring food to war torn areas in africa where people are sold as slaves by war lords. the kids almost always go into sex slavery. when the area has more food, people tend to be less likely to sell their kids, in hopes that they will not die from starvation.
    perhaps you could put down the remote in order to help with the re-building in Haiti or Pakistan, where people are literally living under trees because their houses were destroyed, and half of their families were killed horribly.
    or you could sit around mourning how well off you are, and watch another sitcom.


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