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How To Hide High School Record?

I was recently expelled from my high school for an offense I did not commit (tampering with school records via electronic equipment). I was a sophomore last year and lately I’ve been thinking of applying to colleges as a home school student as I was unhappy with my previous school’s academic program as it was and wish to continue my intellectual passions separately. My academic record from that school is also spotty and I do not believe it reflects my true capabilities. Revealing my transcripts and student records from this school will no doubt set me back a far way when it comes to college admissions.
I’ve been looking into ways in which I can ensure that colleges will not be able to find out I previously attended that high school if I decide to apply as a home school student or to switch to another school in a different county and district.
I’ve been looking into things such as FERPA blocks, but these still seem to allow college admissions counselors and others affiliated with universities to access my records.
Intuitively, it doesn’t seem possible that any college would be able to find my records in unreported schools or would even have the incentive of doing so given the means.
I also do not wish to be dishonest, but at the same time I also have high aspirations which I do not believe should be tarnished due to school records.
Thank you for your help!

No Responses to “How To Hide High School Record?”

  1. Lou says:

    Vc deve ser um cara com uma inteligência fenomenal. Use isso a teu favor. Prove que vc não cometeu esse crime – busque ajuda na justiça – existem advogados gratuitos no Forum. Não deixe barato.
    Não cometeu, não pagou. É uma pena não termos uma mente como a sua na faculdade.
    Corra atrás do prejuízo.

  2. cathrl69 says:

    They’ll simply assume that your record is beyond dreadful if you try to hide it. Of course they will have incentive to find where you were previously. Nobody springs fully formed from the ocean age 16. The most likely assumption will be that you are an illegal immigrant or are lying in some other way in order to hide that you are ineligible to go to college at all / get funding.
    I’d be open about it. If you are in fact as intellectually wonderful as you say you are, your records for the next two years and your SAT results will be so much better that they simply won’t _care_ that you did badly 2 years earlier at a school you disliked. Why would they?


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