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Is Online High School Right For Me?

I’m currently in my junior year of high school. I really hate it. I have a lot of friends in theory, but no best friends so I spend most of my time alone anyhow. I never found my niche, so even when I’m in a group of people I feel isolated and secluded.
I don’t think I have gained anything from my high school social experience
I have severe scoliosis and neck trauma so my back pack causes ongoing pain and posture issues. i get less than 6 hours of sleep most nights, which has affected my overall health. I participate in a number of activities outside of school and would busy myself with going to the gym, my internship, volunteering, and writing (my dream is to publish before I graduate.)
I like the idea of moving at my own pace, since I excel in history and english and need more time in math a science. In fact, my focus issues make it so that I have to self teach myself most of the science curriculum anyhow from power points.
I took an online class for school and did a fantastic job. I am great at time mgmt. and got an a+ and excellent comments.
Would this be right for me? I’m so miserable in traditional high school, I’d love to know there was another option out there.

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