Tag Archive | "ten seconds"

At Work A Senior Executive Blew Up At Me–for No Good Reason–in The Hallway. I’m Took It With Dignity. Now…?

…I work at a white collar job. I am in my mid-30s and he is at least in his 50s. He is in a senior executive position…
…But it was like a scene out of boot camp…
Yelling at me for over ten seconds. Maybe 15 seconds. Thrusting his finger down at the ground for emphasis. Ordering me to get someone at the phone lines at the front office. He was yelling because I told him someone was looking for him but he came out of the elevator and couldn’t find the person (whom I am not that person’s secretary nor affiliated with him, he was a guest who was visiting him for a meeting).
He was out of line and unprofessional. I didn’t file a complaint. I know this is not normal nor professional and no subordinate should be subject to this. I was shaken. And a couple days that week I had gone home at 9 pm and got in at 7 am. In other words, I worked hard that week.
Do you think he was out of line, and what should happen? Should I go about my job like normal? I know it’s unusual and extreme, but does this type of thing happen at workplaces? I don’t really feel like pursuing a formal complaint because it would complicate things and take a long time to resolve.
I work hard, but now I feel I approach my job differently. Wiser, not as committed to it. I believe in the mission but I’m not all that excited to work for someone like that.
He never apologized.

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