Tag Archive | "tea party"

How Is It That Herman Cain Polls The Highest With “tea Party” Affiliated People?

Herman Cain is the ONLY candidate (of either party) who wants to ADD a NEW national sales tax.
Now how is it that the TEA (taxed enough already) party people are supporting the ONE GUY offering MORE TAXES?

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What’s The “tea Party”?

I thought Tea Party was another name for the Republican Party. Is it? If not, what is it? What political party is it affiliated with and what values to they stand for? Just curious.

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What’s The “tea Party”?

I thought Tea Party was another name for the Republican Party. Is it? If not, what is it? What political party is it affiliated with and what values to they stand for? Just curious.

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What Would Have Happened If A Jewish Member Of Congress Had Accused The Cbc Of Wanting To See Jews Gassed?

“MIAMI — African American congressman Andre Carson from Indiana had harsh words for the Tea Party at a recent Congressional Black Caucus event in Miami.
He compared the Tea Party movement to the efforts of Jim Crow and directly addressed members of congress affiliated with the movement.
The Huffington Post reports:”
“This is the effort that we’re seeing of Jim Crow,” Carson said. “Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens.”
“Some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me … hanging on a tree.”

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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

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