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What’s The “tea Party”?

I thought Tea Party was another name for the Republican Party. Is it? If not, what is it? What political party is it affiliated with and what values to they stand for? Just curious.

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  1. Jacara says:

    Radical Economic Terrorists.

  2. union ejicated says:

    It’s the “Taxed Enough Already” party.
    But the liberal democrats and the lib stream media have bastardized it.
    Really!? Aren’t we all “taxed enough already!?

  3. Wizard09 says:

    It’s the far right wing of the right wing of the republican party.

  4. Nuclear Knight says:

    Merely the same as the Boston Tea party back in the 1700’s.

  5. Ben says:

    The tea party is a grass roots movement that seeks to primarily advocate for reduced government and lower taxes. In many respects it is ideologically amorphous, and is appears to be right-wing reactionary. Most of its supporters come from the more conservative spectrum of the
    Republican party.

  6. Krista says:

    The original Boston tea party fought against corporate monopolies, specifically the East Asian Tea Company.
    The current tea party is the far right wing of the GOP, though they say they are independent. They are fighting against taxes and spending, supposedly, but they have agreed with republicans on a middle class payroll tax increase, and their leadership has also increased our spending with their own earmarks and pork projects. They generally support huge corporate monopolies, which makes many people confused as to why they call themselves “tea partiers”…as they original tea partiers would have abhored their goals.

  7. Jim Rooks says:

    most Tea Party member used to be Republican, but then too many Rockefeller Republicans started spouting off, so we had no choice but to form our own coalition, in favor of low taxes and a de-evolution of power to the States and the people, where the Constitution says it belongs

  8. Wonders says:

    red necks

  9. The Doctor says:

    bush supporters that have started to run out of patriotism yes you hear it right thats from the doctor…

  10. shindype says:

    The Tea Party is a more conservative faction of the Republican Party. They spread hate and discontent across the country.

  11. DAVID says:

    We feel that the government is spending too much money, spending money we do not have.
    We are from all parties, but the one that closest matches our thoughts is the repub party, but the conservative portion…not the establishment repubs.
    We stand for the Constitution, and the values of the Founding Fathers.

  12. njyogibe says:

    it’s a bunch of white people who didn’t finish high school and who think their declining economic status is caused by the election of a black resident.

  13. Rayne says:

    Eliminate Excessive Taxes
    Eliminate the National Debt
    Eliminate Deficit Spending
    Eliminate Wasteful Spending
    Protect Free Markets
    Abide by the Constitution of the United States
    Reduce the Overall Size of Government
    Believe in the People
    Maintain Local/State Independence
    Liberals make up lies about it because they don’t know what it is…If you try to explain it to them, they can’t comprehend it because it is the complete opposite of everything they stand for and believe in.

  14. Witchy says:

    The Tea Party isn’t a political party or specifically affiliated with any particular party. It is a grassroots movement of people with the same goal—to lower taxes and decrease the power and excessive regulations of the federal government in people’s lives.
    There are people of all political parties who identify with the Tea Party. The Republican party is the largest but the Tea Party ideals also strongly resonates with the Libertarian Party and the Constitutional Party. Basically, anyone who strongly believes in fiscal responsibility, lower government spending, lower taxes, and less federal regulations. Unlike the Republican party, the Tea Party movement is not interested in social issues such as gay marriage, creationism/evolution taught in schools, abortion, etc.
    Since the Tea Party is a grassroots movement, there isn’t a national platform like in political parties. It is just people in many different areas who want to see less taxation and federal regulation. In some areas, members of the Tea Party may endorse a candidate that they believe will work towards their ideals. That candidate may be a Republican but he/she may also be a Libertarian or an Independent.
    The “Tea” in Tea party stands for Taxed Enough Already.

  15. niHil says:

    They are just We The People who want smaller government and no government intervention into private lives, and a flat tax so even liberals will have to start paying for the Democrat’s spending. Liberals hate the TEA party because Liberals want Marxism and TEA party patriots want liberty as defined under the constitution.
    The Tea Party are republicans, democrats, independents of all nationalities who are trying to save this country from democrat spending and the unconstitutional National Health Communism. People who fear them and attack them just do so because they hate the United Sates and its constitution.

  16. Tea Party Hero says:

    We are the most Patriotic Americans that want to kill government and the liberal agenda so that we can make America a prosperous christian nation with no taxes once again.

  17. Julio says:

    An extension of the Republican Party which includes all of the white minorities, skinheads, KKK, neo nazis, etc.

  18. Dr. Jeffrey Goldblum says:

    it’s a fringe group of the AARP


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