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How Is It That Herman Cain Polls The Highest With “tea Party” Affiliated People?

Herman Cain is the ONLY candidate (of either party) who wants to ADD a NEW national sales tax.
Now how is it that the TEA (taxed enough already) party people are supporting the ONE GUY offering MORE TAXES?

No Responses to “How Is It That Herman Cain Polls The Highest With “tea Party” Affiliated People?”

  1. Boomer says:

    Because it is FAIR?

  2. Mark Exclamation says:

    he is a tea party member

  3. Bo Bo says:

    No idea. Cain even supported TARP. Go figure.

  4. Obama Badforbvds says:

    His problem may be bildenburg and the Fed.

  5. Double Rainbowz says:

    i speak to true tea party people they dont want a 9% sales tax
    they want 0% go f urself CAIN GTFO

  6. Bolide ⌡shinning bacon of hope.. says:

    Because it is a common tactic by rightist political organizations to encourage their followers to “Frustrate the media” early in the campaign process by lying to pollsters.
    If there is no difference between actual voting in Caucuses/Primaries, I will willingly “Stand Corrected”, but in the meantime, smells like baloney sausage to me.

  7. gyt says:

    It would lower income taxes for most people and everyone would contribute into the tax system. That is fair. Why should the top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of the bill?
    Guess his highest poll ratings with the Tea Party kind of discredits the liberal mantra of “The Tea Party is racist”.

  8. Kid with a 12 gauge 10.0 says:

    He isn’t making us pay more,he is balancing it.

  9. tribeca_ says:

    People like Cain not only defend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans but want to lower their taxes even more. In addition, they want to pile on whatever regressive taxes on the middle class and the poor that they think they can get away with. Tea Party types are shills and hypocrites so of course they support him and his regressive ideas.

  10. Darla says:

    He fits all of the qualifications that they want.
    He’s as clueless as they are.

  11. GABY says:

    The TEA PARTY just wants our government to stop squandering our tax dollars and bailing out all kinds of special interests. If we stop all the loopholes, subsidies, and pork designed to pay “Favorites”, and still need more, then OK. Lets stop the spending first, because any idiot knows that once Washington gets it, they will just spend more. Cains plan at least makes it simple and fair with no favorites. That is how it was supposed to be.

  12. Summerti says:

    Well mostly like Allan West they have to have a token black to make them appear what they’re not. And he does share they’re views. But here’s what lacking in a mega way. He wont get the fact that his 999 plan will actually hurt the people of this country and isn’t that what they want anyway.?

  13. John E says:

    He is ripping down our antiquated, STUPID, inefficient tax code and replacing it.
    Surely you have paid taxes. Now go to the IRS website and download a 1040 and the instructions. If you want to start easy, do a 1040X, and then move on to the 1040. It is a joke.
    You have NO IDEA how much time and money is spent in tax-avoidance in this country. If you reduced the complexity, you would increase productivity, because these tax-avoidance maneuvers do NOT produce goods or services, they just help the bottom line — Good, IMHO, but too expensive.
    Dumping the corporate rate would inject capital into OUR economy rapidly.

  14. Studly says:

    Yes, that is the trick isn’t it?
    By the way, you didn’t mention that in exchange for adding a sales tax they drastically lower the federal tax and corporate tax rates. How come?
    The trick here is to pass this law in such a way that Democrats would not be able to raise the income tax rate in the future.
    Not saying I’m for this idea…but at lease there is ONE politician with the guts to put out a new tax plan.

  15. the night of the zombie g says:

    because the tea party really DOESN’T CARE… they don’t care about the debt, they don’t care about anything…
    they just want a guy who SAYS “I’m going to lower your taxes”… that’s all they care about…

  16. Helloimj says:

    Maybe cause the tea party supports him?

  17. liberals r lame says:

    Herman was in the Tea Party years ago- he was the most requested speaker of all conservative leaders- even more than Palin was requested. The Tea party loves HERMAN CAIN! He isn’t a corrupted politican , he makes SENSE and actually cares about the people and JOBS!

  18. kagmi says:

    Um…while Hermain Cain is the only candidate advocating an increase in sales tax, he is also the candidate most clearly advocating for massive cuts to personal and corporate income taxes.
    Yes, he wants to raise sales tax to 9%. He also wants to CUT personal taxes, which currently range from 10-33%, depending on how much you make, to just 9% on all people. This is the most massive tax cut I’ve seen advocated by a serious political candidate.
    And of course it’s especially liked by those who believe in tax cuts for the rich, because under this system they would get to keep 24% more of their income, while those making less than $250,000 would experience it as a tax cut of 14% or less…


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