Tag Archive | "spanish american war"

American History Help !?

1. At the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. By colonizing these areas, the United States was trying to
A. Protect the indigenous cultures in these colonies.
B. Encourage conservation and protect the environment.
C. Promote religious toleration and free speech.
D. Send a signal to other nations that the U. S. was a world power.
2. Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy can best be described as an effort to do which of the following?
A. keep the US out of foreign affairs
B. use the US military to protect the country’s interests in other areas of the world
C. close China off to investors outside of the US
D. ignore European intervention in North and South America
3. In 1898, U.S. support for Cuban independence led to war with Spain and contributed to the United States becoming an imperial power. What was a decisive factor in the decision to go to war?
A. the opportunity to annex Hawaii
B. the desire to acquire a naval base
C. the protection of U.S. commerce and trade
D. the need for a shorter route from the Atlantic to the Pacific
4. One factor that motivated U.S. imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the
A. Development of closer political ties with European nations.
B. Closing of China to all foreign trade.
C. Support of international peacekeeping operations.
D. Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw material.
5. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U. S. foreign policy was directly linked to domestic concerns. The construction of the Panama Canal was a product of this relationship. What was the motive for building the Panama Canal?
A. Limiting the power of labor unions in the United States
B. Breaking up monopolies in American industries
C. Acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials for American factories
D. Extending land grants for railroad construction in Panama
6. In 1899 Secretary of State John Hay wrote the “open door policy” to implement in china. This policy provided
A. That all countries were allowed to trade with China
B. That only the United States could trade with China
C. Set up a secret alliance with Japan and China
D. Implemented high tariffs on trade
7. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U.S. foreign policy was closely tied to domestic economic concerns. The annexation of Hawaii, the Open Door Policy with China, and the construction of the Panama Canal in Latin America were all motivated by an interest in
A. breaking up monopolies and trusts.
B. extending land grants for railroad construction.
C. acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials.
D. limiting the power of labor unions to strike.
8. What justification did President McKinley use to keep the Philippine Islands?
A. The United States did not have islands in the Pacific Ocean
B. That the U.S. had an obligation to teach the Filipinos about the virtues of American government and social values and to Christianize them
C. The United States needed people that spoke a different language
D. The United States wanted diversity and gaining the Philippines would help this
9. When a territory was conquered and controlled by an imperial power, life was often very difficult for people living in that territory. Why would reading a collection of letters written by people living under the control of an imperialist power be a more credible description of their life than a description in a recent history book?
A. The letters would contain bias.
B. The letters would be easier to understand.
C. The letter writers are the most educated about imperialism.
D. The letter writers are describing their own actual experiences.
10. The famous American writer Mark Twain expressed his opinion about U.S. actions in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War with the following words: “I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate (place under control) the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem (save). … I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land.” This statement would be helpful in supporting the thesis that Mark Twain believed that
A. U.S. imperialism was wrong.
B. U.S. imperialism would bring stable government to the Philippines.
C. U.S. imperialism was necessary for the United States to become a world power.
D. U.S. imperialism civilized the people of the Philippines.

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Us History Help!!! Pleaseeee :)?

1.Which of the following killed most of the U.S. soldiers fighting against Spain in Cuba?
a. Cuban rebels b. Spanish soldiers c. disease d. Explosion of the USS Maine
2. Which of the following best describes America’s foreign policy after WWI?
a. The United States joined the League of Nations because it wanted to be invovled in European affairs. b. The US joined an alliance with Germany to help it control Europe. c. The United States became isolationist in its diplomatic and political relations. d. the US became more involved in world affairs.
3. What action by President Taft urged Americans to invest in overseas markets to increase American influence over these countries?
a. Fourteen Points b. Dollar Diplomacy c. Economic Spreading d. League of Nations
4. What was Wilson’s Plan to bring peace to the world after WWI?
a. Freedom Plan b. Fourteen Points c. Peace of Paris d. Peace of Madrid
5. Disillusioned with war after WWI, the US took a foreign policy role called….
a. Interactionism b. Isolationism c. Imperialism d. Strike first policy
6. What was the GREATEST impact on the construction of the Panama Canal?
a. Ownership of the canal would eventually be given back to Panama. b. Even though it took roughly ten years to build it was finished six months early. c. Caused Russia to be a stronger military power d. It tremendously reduced the travel time between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
7. The purpose of Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” was to
a. address what he believed caused WWI b. encourage Italy to join the Allied Powers. c. explain why the U.S. did not enter World War I in 1914. d. explain the U.S. position concerning the Bolshevick Revolution in Russia.
8. Which of the following correctly describes how events involving the USS Maine in 1898 helped spark the Spanish American War?
a. It crashed ashore in Cuba because the captain was untrained. b. It was proven to have blow up due to a Spanish mine. c. It blew up and was assumed by many Americans to have been caused by Spanish mines. d. It got lost due to an error in navigation and ended up in Spanish waters.
9. How did the results of the Spanish American War affect the expansion of the United States?
a. The war ended U.S. expansion because of the extraordinary costs of the war. b. The war allowed the United States to acquire the Texas territory. c. The war led to increased U.S. expansion into South America. d. The war gave the United States territories in the Pacific and Caribbean..
10. Which of the following made American neutrality in WWI difficult to maintain?
a. The British naval blockade b. German submarine warfare c. Americans with cultural ties to Europe d. each of these made American neutrality difficult.
11. The 18th amendment to the United States Constitution began
a. the New Deal. b. “prohibition”. c. the Red Scare. d. the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction.
12. This trial represents the cultural division in the 1920’s where the conservative forces were at odds with emerging modern culture.
a. Plessy vs. Ferguson b. Gibbons vs. Ogden c. Scopes Trial d. The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
13. What was the justification for having Prohibition (the banning of alcohol)?
a. so people won’t become rich on alcohol sales b. alcohol wasn’t taxed by the government c. Alcohol was made in Canada d. to eliminate the social problems that result from drinking alcohol
14. This action limited how many immigrants could come into America in a given year.
a. I14 Points Plan b. Tariffs c. Homestead Act d. Immigration quota
15. What was the fear of the spread of Communism in the 1930s called? It led to arrests and deportation of many with no trial.
a. Communist Manifesto b. Communist Facism c. Red Scare d. Lenninism
16. What were the secret bars where people could socialize and drink alcohol called?
a. Pubs b. Speakeasy c. hideaways d. Snorts

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Who Owns The Rights To The Krag-jorgensen?

I’m just curious as to who owns the rights to the Krag-Jorgensen. I’ve noticed a lot of Civil War and Wild West reproductions in the market lately, and since the .30-40 Krag was used by the US Army during the 1898 Spanish-American War, maybe it would find a niche in the market.

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Us Government Homework Please Help?

Realists argue that sometimes the United States must use force simply to show that it is militarily strong.
One of the goals of U.S. foreign policy is to promote world peace.
The President must always get Congressional approval when taking military action.
The Central Intelligence Agency gathers information about other countries through secret operations and reading foreign newspapers.
Idealists are against any involvement in the affairs of other countries.
The U.S. got involved in which of the following conflicts in order to stop the spread of Communism?
Korean War
Cold War
Vietnam War
all of the above
The event that caused the United States to change its isolationist policy was
the Vietnam War.
the Cold War.
the Spanish-American War.
World War I.
What was the original focus of the NATO alliance?
protection of important seaports in Eastern European countries
defense against the Soviet Union
reduction of nuclear arms
all of the above
Which of the following is an argument made by supporters of U.S. foreign-aid programs?
The United States may one day need aid from these countries.
Foreign aid may help decrease trade deficits with other countries.
It will increase imports from other countries.
Countries receiving aid may provide good markets for U.S. exports.
An agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the production of some nuclear weapons was called the
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Agreement.
Nuclear Arms Proliferation Agreement.
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty.

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