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I Need Suggestions For Good Mangas To Read…?

Hello everyone, I thank you in advance for helping me if you choose to. Just a warning, this is going to be very long so be prepared.
Ok well basically i am reading two mangas bit by bit by chapter release. They are Kaichou Wa Maid~ Sama and Skip Beat. I chose to read these because i was so captivated by the story and animation in the animes and needed to know more of the story, so i decided to read the manga.
Now, while i wait for the next chapters to be released, i wanted to find another good manga to read so I’m not all frantic and impatient. But i can’t find any good ones that meet my taste.
I am very particular in the animation. I don’t just want one that has a fantasy like drawing style that doesn’t seem to be able to put across human emotions just by the facial expressions. It needs to be fairly realistic, or as realistic as an animation can be anyway. If you have read KWMS and Skip Beat then you should know what my expectations are.
As for the storyline and genres, at the moment i would really appreciate good manga/s that are Drama, Comedy, Splice of life, Romance and shoujo all rolled into one. I don’t want the main objective in the story to be romance, nor do i want it to be the same mushy BS that are about some girl meeting a guy and falling in love… I want it do be deeper than that. I want the storyline to be strong, with the romance being just a factor that happens naturally along the way.
So basically if it starts with “Whateverhernameis was just a normal high school student when she met Somebastard and they fall in love and face troubles and blah blah derpa shnerp..” Then i will proceed to stab myself repeatedly in the eyes as to not be forced to continue reading. I don’t want to be told something is good and then find out it is completely the opposite of what i was asking for and be disappointed… This is the reason why i am in a crappy mood at the moment.
I don’t think that is likely that there are only a few good mangas that have strong story lines that have the ability to completely suck you in and have you really connect to what the characters are feeling and thinking just by the expressions in their faces or by their body language. There has to be something more than this completely fairytale mushy bull crap that i keep hearing is good but then it turns out to be trash worthy.
I’m not really into fantasy, ninja, princess, past time, futuristic or vampires. I don’t like action or bloody gore…
If you have some that fall into this category that you think i would like though then please suggest them…
These are the anime’s that i have watched so far…
KWMS ( <3 <3 <3 )
Skip Beat ( <3 <3 <3 )
Fruits Basket ( <3 )
Pretear (Very cute )
Tokyo Mew Mew ( NO)
D.N Angel (Ok)
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni ( Amazing)
God! Save our king/ Kya Kara Maoh ( <3 <3 )
Itazura Na Kiss ( Cute)
Death Note (I loved it )
School days (The end i was just… 0.o WTF??? Worth watching!)
Myself, Yourself ( Weak, but good ending)
Moon Phase ( watched in english, enough said)
Ouran High School Host Club (This was hilarious… I would watch it again and again just for the comical value. The story is sweet too)
Karin ( Not too bad)
Kissxsis (I havent finished watching it because i was just so offended by how crude it was…)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ( I liked this quite a lot, they dragged the second season on too much and it was quite annoying but the story line is very scifi and i liked it more than i thought i would)
Vampire Knight/Guilty ( I liked it, not to the point of reading the manga but it was ok… Poor Zero 🙁 )
Yamato Nadishiko Shichi Henge ( I liked the storyline but they guys had lips and it made me want to die… UGH!!! Just thinking about it makes me sick)
So basically i have found my niche which is the genres i have specified… The ages for the main characters don't really matter as long as it is mature… Not in the sense of being ecchi or anything but the attitude and stuff… But i don't want anything where they are under 16, 15 maybe but nothing younger than that….
So strong storyline, dramatic splice of life with good comedy and a bit of romance. Please don't just search for these genres and copy and paste, i have done so and come up with nothing good other than KWMS and SB. Please, I want your honest opinions, Why you liked it and with a small summery with your own words… I chose to count on the opinions of fellow anime and manga fans because of our common interests and i think it will work better this way. 🙂
Thank you so much for listening to my crazy rantings and my complicated demands

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Should I Go On Seasonique Just To Skip My Awful Periods?

I’m 14, and i get excruciating cramps from my period. I’ve been thinking about trying to go on birth control just so i can skip it. I don’t plan on being sexually active any time soon, and i don’t even have a boyfriend, so using the pill for actual birth control isn’t at all what i want to do. Should I go on the Seasonique pill, which gives you only three periods a month, just so i don’t have to deal with cramps? And also, I know that, like nearly every other medication out there, the pill does have some risks and side effects, but I want to know what they specifically are for Seasonique, and how commonly they occur. I’ve talked to my mom about it, and shes a nurse, but id like some other opinions as well. Also, the hospital my mom works at is affiliated with the catholic church, and they provide my family with our insurance, but they don’t cover birth control because it’s against their beliefs, or whatever, so my family would have to pay ourselves. How much is it without insurance, and do you think its worth it to save me from my torturous cramps? And also, I know i should probably talk to a doctor about this, but I’ve never been to a gynecologist, and i don’t really want to start until I absolutely have to, so is there another way to get a doctors opinion without getting the whole scary examination?

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