Tag Archive | "random friends"

I Feel Do Dissatisfied With My Friendships?

Starting off I’m probably the most conservative person in my group of friends. I met them at sixth form, and made very few friends after at university…not because I felt I had enough but I’m quite shy (which I’m working on) and take AGES to trust people…it’s four of us generally; and I have about five yeah only five at university. I have loads of random friends but I find these eventually die out as it’s just one on one interaction…I want more of a unit of friends.
It’s summer now, I’ve got four months off and I want to be more outgoing do so many things like secret cinema, the dover street market, film festivals, etc, but when I mention it to my friends they take time to reply and it feels like I’m pushing them to be interested in these things or things are always done on their time …they probably think I need them more than they need me.
So I’ve decided I’ll try build a network of other people interested in these things but where do I start? Mine just talk about boys and hop from one to the next thinking he’s the one. I’m not bothered by people doing this but when we meet for dinner and 80% of the conversation is about how he looked at you like this then yeah I’m bothered.
Tips on meeting people who want to try new things when I don’t have s network like this already??. I don’t want to come off desperate but I need new company now they’ve all got boyfriends.

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My Friends Are Boring But Then So Am I, How To Get A More Active Network Want To Make The Most Of Summer?

Starting off I’m probably the most conservative person in my group of friends. I met them at sixth form, and made very few friends after at university…not because I felt I had enough but I’m quite shy (which I’m working on) and take AGES to trust people…it’s four of us generally; and I have about five yeah only five at university. I have loads of random friends but I find these eventually die out as it’s just one on one interaction…I want more of a unit of friends. It’s summer now, I’ve got four months off and I want to be more outgoing do so many things like secret cinema, the dover street market, film festivals, etc, but when I mention it to my friends they take time to reply and it feels like I’m pushing them to be interested in these things or things are always done on their time …they probably think I need them more than they need me. So I’ve decided I’ll try build a network of other people interested in these things but where do I start? Mine just talk about boys and hop from one to the next thinking he’s the one. I’m not bothered by people doing this but when we meet for dinner and 80% of the conversation is about how he looked at you like this then yeah I’m bothered. Tips on meeting people who want to try new things when I don’t have s network like this already??. I don’t want to come off desperate but I need new company now they’ve all got boyfriends.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)


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