Tag Archive | "population c"

Anybody Know Anything About Biology?

1. Competition for food cannot occur…
A. Between two populations.
B. Among members of the same population.
C. Among populations whose niches overlap.
D. Between animals from two different ecosystems.

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In Need Of Biology Help!?

1) A condition in the environment that can restrict a population’s growth is a
A) Niche
B) Limiting factor
C) growth factor
2) Which of the following is a measurement of population density?
A) The number of frogs in a pond
B) The number of deaths per year
C) the number of bacteria per square millimeter
3) Which would be least likely to be affected by a density-dependent factor?
A) A small, scattered population
B) A large, dense population
C) A population with a low death rate
Complete each sentence or statement:
The ___method of estimating population size involves measuring every member of a species within a small area.
Space, food, and ___ are density-dependent factors.

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In Which Of The Following Could One Not Reasonably Measure Biodiversity?

a. ecosystem
b. population
c. community
d. habitat
Which of the following statements about evidence is not true?
a. Police may walk through a crime scene searching for evidence
b. All evidence should be photographed
c. All evidence must be documented
d. All evidence must be taken to a crime lab to be analyzed
physcial location : habitat ::
a. function : niche
b. biodivesity : community
c. trophic level : food zone
d. consumers : trophic level

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