Tag Archive | "ploy"

Does Victoria’s Secret Use Vanity Sizing?

For some reason I tend to think that Victoria’s secret lures their customers in through vanity sizing making women believe that their bra size is larger than it actually is.
I don’t shop there because I believe that its not worth paying $40 for a bra, but i decided to get measured for the hell of it.
Turns out the lady tells me that I am somewhere between a 32b and 32c, and that I can wear both depending on the bra.
Looking down at my chest, I don’t even look like a b cup! Nevertheless a C!
Personally, I think I look like a full A or very small B but most definitely not a C.
Is this some type of evil marketing ploy to get us to buy their $50 bras?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Does Victoria’s Secret Use Vanity Sizing?

For some reason I tend to think that Victoria’s secret lures their customers in through vanity sizing making women believe that their bra size is larger than it actually is.
I don’t shop there because I believe that its not worth paying $40 for a bra, but i decided to get measured for the hell of it.
Turns out the lady tells me that I am somewhere between a 32b and 32c, and that I can wear both depending on the bra.
Looking down at my chest, I don’t even look like a b cup! Nevertheless a C!
Personally, I think I look like a full A or very small B but most definitely not a C.
Is this some type of evil marketing ploy to get us to buy their $50 bras?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)


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