Tag Archive | "plateau"

Weight-loss Help For Teen?

I’m 18 years old and 5’5. This past summer I vowed to live a healthy lifestyle and to lose as much weight as I can since I’ve been very overweight since a child. I weighed about 173, and currently at about 156 and I could not be more proud of myself. I try to go to the gym about 3 times a week, and usually on the ellipticals because running isn’t my niche yet. I do challenge myself still, but it seems that I have hit a plateau and I am open to suggestions to further me in my weight loss. Prom/bikini season is coming up and I want to look my best. Right now I have a content goal of 5 more pounds, and then I will see where things take me. I also don’t lift weights at my gym because I feel super intimidated around the guys and feel like an idiot when I try to figure out the machine.
Any suggestions/stories are appreciated!

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