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Weight-loss Help For Teen?

I’m 18 years old and 5’5. This past summer I vowed to live a healthy lifestyle and to lose as much weight as I can since I’ve been very overweight since a child. I weighed about 173, and currently at about 156 and I could not be more proud of myself. I try to go to the gym about 3 times a week, and usually on the ellipticals because running isn’t my niche yet. I do challenge myself still, but it seems that I have hit a plateau and I am open to suggestions to further me in my weight loss. Prom/bikini season is coming up and I want to look my best. Right now I have a content goal of 5 more pounds, and then I will see where things take me. I also don’t lift weights at my gym because I feel super intimidated around the guys and feel like an idiot when I try to figure out the machine.
Any suggestions/stories are appreciated!

No Responses to “Weight-loss Help For Teen?”

  1. **starst says:

    I’m a teen also and I’d like to know some tips!!

  2. Jimmy John says:

    why are u only going 3 times a week? are u super super busy? if not get in there every single day. In addition to cardio work, make sure your heart rate stays below the 65% increase. Above this the body stops burning fat and turns to different sources in the body for energy. Above 65% is a cardio work out. Below is a fat burning work out. THe body leeches energy from differnt sources depending on how hard its working. So get ur sweat on and keep in going for an hour. I dont know if ur normally on there for 30 min or 40 min. Try going for a full hour. then 10 min cool down. And go every single day.

  3. Pop Up says:

    I think you might be getting a little mixed up with what you want exactly. You say that you want to lose “weight” but that means you might want to get rid of some muscle too. You then say that you’d like to “shape” (I’d call it tone) your body a little which implies you want to build some muscle. I’m not trying to pick at your question – I just want to clarify the point for you.
    To answer it in the best way, I am going to look at it as if you want to get rid of fat AND build muscle at the same time. If you’re looking to “trim” and “tone” your body, and espectially because you suggest you are not that overweight, I would suggest you start performing more intensive aerobic exercises such as jogging. I wouldn’t think you need to change the whole way you eat or go on a diet because if you’re wanting to build muscles – it’s better to do it all with exercise.
    Exercises like jogging won’t exactly “build” your muscles on your stomach but they will help reduce the extra fat around there. Depending on how fit you are, you should go on daily or bi-daily jogs of around a mile. To build muscles, you should concentrate on anaerobic exercises such as sit-ups to help build muscles.
    These muscle-building exercises will give your muscles the toning and training they need to grow and become more prominent. To start to see a real difference with sit-ups, you should be looking to do no more than 100 every day (more than that will often hurt your muscles).
    If you stick to doing those two forms of exercise – jogging and sit-ups, you should see real improvements in a week or two. Remember, you should do them as often as you can (I.E every single day).
    Good Luck and Take care 🙂


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