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If One Major Problem In The World Was Just Totally Eliminated, Would You Still Be Happy If At The Same (contd)?

If one major problem in the world was just totally eliminated, would you still be happy if at the same time you lost your job…because it was no longer needed?
Yesterday in class one of my teachers (a nurse) commented that she likes the cardiovascular system because in today’s world it gives nurses a lot of work–a lot of nurses are employed due to heart problems. This got me thinking…
What if a miracle happened over night where human beings could cure themselves and this meant all of the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, everyone working in the health care setting became unemployed? Would you still want that ability in human beings? Wouldn’t it be being selfish to want humans to still be sick just so people in the health care sector of the economy had jobs? I appreciate the thought and what she meant, but it got me curious and I just want to hear some personal views and opinions from you guys.
What about police, FBI, and all law enforcement workers…would you guys like it or dislike it if tomorrow morning we all miraculously started obeying the law? Please imagine the scenario and state if you would be for or against it?
Take whatever job you have…grocery store/food industry/food safety, etc. (pretend we can get our energy from the sun…just pretend if you will), transportation (lol pretend we can teleport), ETC etc.
Now ask yourself if you truly want that problem/need/niche your job fills….ask yourself if you want that problem solved if it means you have to give up the piece of safety (income) it offers you. Be creative and use your imagination.
Bonus Q: what would you decide to do all day with your time if you weren’t spending it at work all day? If the world had none of those problems…how would you fill your day if you were free to do anything you pleased (because by this time in the imagined scenario there are no problems and no needs to be fulfilled…just pretend! lol) ? Wouldn’t it kind of be like heaven? lol at least what I imagine heaven to be like.
My main question is if you would want the need for your job eliminated even if it meant you would have to be unemployed and uncertain of what your future holds…but you and all of humanity could enjoy and share the benefit of not having that problem in the world today. Oh and please state what line of work you do.
Thanks 🙂

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Are Beck & Palin Taking The Wrong Approach To Winning Converts Over To The Tea Party Movement*?

To me the only thing holding the loosely affiliated tea party patriots together is their desire for spending cuts and lower taxation.
Lets face it the tea party is a collection of dissatisfied GOPers fed up with broken promises and compromise, libertarians, younger conservatives who are mostly concerned with the economy and the fiscal side of things, a few independents sick of the crap, and also a few opportunists.
How will going back in the direction of the religious right not split the tea party/conservative vote???
*This question does not reflect on my personal views as much as it does the reality of the voting public in my opinion.

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