Tag Archive | "Nutella"

This Is For Daa Dingo Ate Yar Baby… An Answer To His Question.?

The origins of Nutella go back, indirectly, to 1867. In that year giandujotti, the typical sweet from Turin, are born: this hazelnuts and cocoa candy, made with the objective of reducing the production costs caused by high cocoa prices, soon becomes a success. After WWII Pietro Ferrero creates Giandujot an economic surrogate of giandujotti, sold as a thick paste to be sliced and served on bread. In 1949 a more recognisable ancestor of Nutella sees the light of day: Supercrema, a spreadable version of the paste. The formula of the cream gets improved but the name remains Supercrema till 1964. In this year a serious of circumstances convince the Ferreros to re-name their product Nutella. The first reason was an Italian law of the time prohibiting superlatives in product names. Even more important was the hazelnut cream success on foreign markets. According to one story a German affiliate company proposed a name containing nuss (German for nut). Thats all I know, any more ?’s

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Nutella And Nutriset Share Some History, Some Connections?

Nutriset has an affiliate, Edesia, in Providence Rhode Island, so I learned a lot from their web site. SInce the 5th of Feb is World Nutella Day, a student in my office asked, so I do hope to get some responses that are not just frivilous.

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