Tag Archive | "massive job"

Are Americans Politically Ignorant Or Illiterate?

There is no question that all politicians are short on honor and none are truly trustworthy, but perhaps they get that way because we are so gullible; so short on common sense. We have just given control of the House of Representatives back to the people who created the conditions that triggered the recession that wiped out the stock market, caused hundreds of bank failures, caused massive job loss and countless home repossessions. These are the same people who have refused to do anything constructive for two years, effectively slowing all the efforts to boost the economy and recover from that recession. These are the same people who get massive funding from the super-rich and the largest corporations and lobby groups, then use it to convince you to vote against your own best interests. If these facts were secret, one could say we were fooled- but they are not, it’s publicly documented and available to anyone intelligent enough to research the facts.
Are we too dumb to do that?

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