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Are Americans Politically Ignorant Or Illiterate?

There is no question that all politicians are short on honor and none are truly trustworthy, but perhaps they get that way because we are so gullible; so short on common sense. We have just given control of the House of Representatives back to the people who created the conditions that triggered the recession that wiped out the stock market, caused hundreds of bank failures, caused massive job loss and countless home repossessions. These are the same people who have refused to do anything constructive for two years, effectively slowing all the efforts to boost the economy and recover from that recession. These are the same people who get massive funding from the super-rich and the largest corporations and lobby groups, then use it to convince you to vote against your own best interests. If these facts were secret, one could say we were fooled- but they are not, it’s publicly documented and available to anyone intelligent enough to research the facts.
Are we too dumb to do that?

No Responses to “Are Americans Politically Ignorant Or Illiterate?”

  1. old school - spuds to you says:

    most americans love to follow what they are told to do and not do any research into any issue. but they also love to complain.

  2. Itzmin7 says:

    yes, most of them

  3. Bill says:

    Fact: We took power away from republicans when they messed up our economy.
    Fact: Yesterday we took power away from democrats after they did nothing to help, and made the economy worse.
    Fact: derp derp herpa derp.

  4. out2lunc says:

    You may well be but I did my own research before voting and, guess what – YOU’RE WRONG!! The Republicans have tried to slow the destruction of America during the last two (actually, four) years primarily by NOT supporting chairman obama’s Marxist agenda. Chairman obama chose to ignore the Republicans’ proposals at his own peril.

  5. Time to Shrug, Atlas says:

    Your premise is flawed.
    Republicans are not at fault for much (some, but nowhere near ALL) of what you mentioned above, and apparently most Americans are intelligent and informed enough to know that handing over huge swaths of power to the government is not in the best interest of the economy or the nation.
    Try to grasp the fact that your theories place YOU in the uniformed and/or willfully ignorant minority,
    Hopefully we can push for progress in some of the areas where Obama and Congress share common opinions – like the idea that education reform should center around accountability (GASP) and school choice, NOT bowing to teacher unions…

  6. lovely at 29 says:

    I am not american so i probably cannot properly comment on your government. But from what i see, americans do seem very ignorant. I get a laugh out of some of your politicians. George W Bush, Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell to name a few. And it seems like every second week there is a scandal involving prostitutes or hypocritical secretly gay politicians. And it just annoys the hell out of me that americans feel like they can go and invade other countries or try and fix other countries yet most americans wouldn’t be able to point these countries out on a map. I constantly hear americans saying that they have the best country in the world. That’s because they don’t bother to learn anything outside their own country. They must truly be ignorant to the rest of the world shaking their head at america in disgust.

  7. CS says:

    Let me correct you…
    Republicans have had control of both chambers of congress since 1994. From 1994 to 2006,
    Dow went from 3300 to 12500,
    Unemployment went from 6.5% to 4.5%,
    Gross Domestic Product went from 7 trillion dollars to 13.5 trillion dollars,
    CPI went from 2.7% to 2.5%.
    Lets see what these numbers have done since the liberals took the chambers in 2006.
    Dow 12500 to 11000
    Unemployment 4.5% to 9.8%
    GDP 13.5 trillion to 14.5 trillion dollars,
    CPI 2.5% to 2.7%,
    The numbers speak for themselves.

  8. Dumb Goy says:

    All you have to do is look at who controls the media.
    The promotion of football, Lady Gaga and Dancing With the Stars, and purposely clouding the issues and puposely confusing the public with conflicting messages is why Americans keep voting against their best interest.
    Remember that Americans are largely against the war, but in all of the elections, the issue of war was not even brought up.

  9. Socrates says:

    You can do one of two things.
    Either continue to make spiteful comments and paint Conservatives with increasingly uglier characterizations in order to dismiss their gains and maintain your preconceived notions of what they are about to satisfy your own political view of the world
    – OR –
    Consider that there is an element to all of this that you haven’t considered or the pundits you listen to have misrepresented. Now could be a good time to listen to and learn the real reasons that drive Conservatives instead of letting yourself be governed by misconception of what you want to believe.
    I can start you on your journey of discovery right now.
    Business is ready to expand. As you may have heard, a lot are holding on to their profits. This is because of the uncertainty the Obama Administration has created in the business world. Business is afraid to expand, fearing that the Sword of Damocles, consisting of some new anti-economic policy (e.g. health care, Cap & Trade, Card Check) will fall on them if they do.
    Business can soon come out of their hole, knowing Republicans have their backs with this. If these gains give impetus to extending all the Bush tax cuts, that would be a big shot in the arm to business, from a confidence standpoint.
    Democrats were in control of Congress when the mortgage meltdown hit. Bush’s fault was playing “don’t rock the boat” politics with the economy. Democrats were looking like heroes to their constituents for providing “affordable” housing, pushing the use of sub-prime ARMs. Risky? Yes, unless Fannie and Freddie were directed to buy up these loans, by Democrats and “launder” them into mortgage-backed securities. Wall Street snapped these up and made a quick buck, making Republicans happy. With everyone happy, Bush dismissed the building problem he knew about as late as 2005. In other words, there was enough blame to go around for the mortgage meltdown and recession.
    However, unlike the Democrats, Republicans have been taken to the woodshed for their drifting from Conservative principles, namely fiscal Conservatism. The anger over this has been building since the early days of the Bush Administration, even before 9/11. It exploded under Obama when it was made clear that the gross government spending had to stop! A number of Republicans that didn’t get the memo have been shown the door in the primary elections. Many Republicans have had their “waking up in the gutter stinking drunk, accepting they have a problem and calling AA” moment. AA in this case are the Tea Parties. The Democrats have not had their moment yet. Notice that Fannie and Freddie, the linchpin of the whole economic disaster, are the only ones insulated from all this regulation that was passed, protected by Democrats, hmmm.
    You accuse Republicans of doing nothing? How can you drive the car from the backseat? Republicans have been shut out of many of the legislative processes. One Republican goal of the Blair House Health Care Summit earlier this year was to get Obama to admit that Republicans were trying to contribute. He did. Their initiatives just got drowned out.
    One of the biggest one of these was an alternative to Obamacare. Republicans offered a set of free-market reforms, including tort reform, interstate competition of health plans and health savings plans. These could be implemented bit by bit, collectively they were scored by the CBO to actually reduce the cost of premiums and they cost virtually NOTHING to implement.
    Saying “No!” is not doing nothing, it’s not easy saying no to giving people stuff. It does keep Obama from spending the US into oblivion, allow business to flourish and creating a new Progressive structure of government control.
    Funding by the ultra-rich? You mean like from George Soros? Oh…wait, he’s a BIG contributor to Liberal causes. Well, it’s not like unions tried to influence the Liberal vote. Oh…wait. Corporations don’t HAVE buy off Conservatives. In general, the goals of business and Conservatives are one in the same: getting off the back of business is generally good for the economy. This also includes not making pack mules out of the wealthy for socioeconomics. The wealthy will always pay more in taxes than the middle class. The wealthy are responsible for a majority of small and large business. Liberals load a big, fat jockey on their backs and then wonder why they aren’t winning races.

  10. TheOrange Evil says:

    The Democrats took the House and the Senate in 2006 and have held onto Congress really all through the crash. Then they were given even more seats in the 2008 election, as well as the presidency, and the economy worsened, yet somehow this is all the GOP’s fault, right? We really only have two parties that consistently win elections. When people are tired of the Democrats, where are they supposed to go? This wasn’t an endorsement of the GOP, but rather a rejection of the Democrats.
    Also, I’m betting that you were one of those Democrats who, in 2008, talked about how the country going so solidly Democrat was a fulfillment of democracy and proof that the will of the people is against the Republican Party, that voters have finally wised up, but now that they’ve swung the other direction, you’re calling the same people who voted overwhelmingly for Obama and the Democrats in Congress “ignorant.” Let me tell you – they’re not ignorant or stupid or illiterate, and it’d be nice if you understood the concept that people can disagree with you without being intellectually crippled in some way.
    I’m a libertarian and I agree with mainstream politics almost never, but if I dismissed everyone who disagreed with me as ignorant, just as you do, I’d think 98% of the country was beneath me. Accept the possibility that people can be both reasonable and intelligent and yet arrive at different conclusions than you did.


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