Tag Archive | "Liberals"

Do You Find Liberals Irrational Nonsense About Fox News To Be Amusing?

It’s very hard to respect liberals as a thinking group of intelligent people when they believe in and propagate such irrational nonsense about a news organization that is does nothing more than lean to the right to fill a niche that the mainstream media ignores. Jeez… open your minds.

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So If Liberals Don’t Want To Cut Any Programs, How Do They Plan On Reducing Our National Debt?

I am not a neo conservative republican so don’t affiliate me with those clowns. I’m just curious to see what Liberals plan to do if they have a plan.
I know I’m gonna get insults like conservatives hate poor people or conservatives are warmongers. But again, I am not a fake neo conservative republican. There is a difference between a conservative and a neo conservative ok.

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Why Do Conervatives On Answers Assume Anyone With A Problem With Fox Bias Is Liberal?

I got some disturbing answers reflecting tunnel vision & not a lot of thought, just knee jerk defense of Fox. It’s a fact they are biased against Romney, it’s a fact that their reporting is skewed & has been since 2008. It’s a fact that they use memo’s to control the content across all shows but Opinion shows but evidence shows they have been lining up all the shows & even all radio affiliates with a common message. Fox all Fox shows & radio (which was independent in 2008, but not in lock step) play the same themes on the same days. Pound the same stupid little things all day long. That’s how Fox has always worked, but they haven’t used it as much in unfair bias until 2008 against Romney.
Do you think Fox is perfect & uncorruptible? Anyone who critiques them has to be a democrat? They are better than all the other networks, until it comes to primaries then they are usually much more biased, and it’s real & measurable, while their smirks when they speak of Romney less so, but i’ve been watching.
What is wrong with you? You should keep your own house in order. You can’t go after media bias in other networks while ignoring Fox or you’re just another hypocrite. The world has enough of that.
This has been an eye opener, I didn’t consider that Conservatives could be just about as knee jerk and deliberately obtuse as Liberals, but I was obviously wrong.

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Are There Any Liberals Left In The Democratic Party?

Several of the Democrats I’ve recently talked to about politics have been statists. As a libertarian, I try to find points of agreement with people to keep hostility to a minimum. When I said I thought things like ending US military involvement in the middle east and ending drug prohibition were good ideas, they disagreed with me. Two people even disagreed that the federal government should mandate that gay marriage be legal. At first I was surprised, and then I realized that Obama is a Democrat and holds very similar, non-liberal views.
Has anyone else noticed this? I know there are still real liberals like Jared Polis in the party, but they seem to be a dying breed. Is the Democratic party trending toward a new ideological position? Are actual liberals still comfortable affiliating with it?
Please don’t try to extract an argument from my question; there is none. It’s a real question that has been inspired by my personal observations.

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Does It Boost Your Confidence To Call Yourself A Conservative?

I can tell that some Republicans believe that are “better quality” individuals than Democrats.
It seems like it helps some people’s self esteem to call themself a Conservative since Cons stereotype themself of having morals and being rich.
They say Democrats are the poor drug addicts. But really, I think anyone who actually affiliates and pays attention to politics and the world is a “productive” person. Liberals care about the metally sick, which makes it seem like Dems are the ones with morals by caring about others.
I’m Independent though because both parties are equal in my mind and all they do is divide people

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Why Do Liberals Continue To Lie About Fox News?

Liberals continue the farce that Fox news lies- even after Obama said last night that he respects Fox News.
Liberals try to associate Fox News with a singular Fox BROADCAST Network affiliate in Florida that was sued by a couple of disgruntled employees.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Akre
Yet, the citizens of Liberal Koolaidia still spread the li that Fox News went to court for the right to lie. I suggest you report anyone who continues to spread this nonsense.

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